Caitlyn x Reader - Fight It

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Y/N stood in her father's office, seeing Jinx sitting in the rafters above, playing with one of her many bombs.

Y/N stood in her father's office, seeing Jinx sitting in the rafters above, playing with one of her many bombs

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Silco lights up his cigar and then looks to Y/N.

Silco lights up his cigar and then looks to Y/N

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"I have a job for you, daughter." Silco informed.

"What's the job, father?" Y/N asked with a determined look on her face.

"I need you to steal something from Topside, something valuable." Silco replied.

"What is it?" Y/N asked.

"You are going to steal me one of their beloved Hextech crystals. With one of those, Jinx will be able to create the ultimate weapon to take our fight Topside." Silco informed.

Y/N nodded as she began to come up with an idea, "Okay, but how am I supposed to pull this off? It's progress day, there's going to be hundreds of people." Y/N explained.

"Not my problem. Get it done!" Silco exclaimed as he moved to sit at his desk.

"Yes, sir. I won't fail you, father. Thank you for this opportunity." Y/N said before she left her father's office.

"Jinx, follow her. You know what to do if she fails to live up to expectation." Silco stated.

Jinx jumped down from the rafters and followed after Y/N, heading Topside

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Jinx jumped down from the rafters and followed after Y/N, heading Topside.


Y/N was sneaking around Topside amongst the huge crowds that had gathered for progress day. She caught sight of an enforcer at the Kiramman tent and soon became distracted by her beauty.

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