Chapter 15: Is that all you want to be?

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Rafael is drowning in turmoil. 

"Tick-Tock lover-boy. Landon's bedtime is fast approaching, make it quick" smirks Alyssa.

"Did she just call me by my name?" grins Landon.

Maya, unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of the boy, shakes her head in disbelief. Really? This is the part he focused on. 

How are these people, high school seniors? she wondered.

The crowd was getting impatient, and Rafael was overwhelmed by a hostile heat taking over his limp body. Two roads were portrayed in his mind, but to his own astonishment, none of them seemed to have a good outcome.

He never was one to pursue optimal peaks, being more the kind of guy that settles for good rather than great; climbing a mountain for the pleasure of it, following the snow line, reaching one of the many ledges, settling for the view ahead without looking up... Without intending to reach the highest ledge or touch the mountain's summit.

At least, that was the case before meeting Josie... And wanting Josie... And needing Josie.

The brunette turned his life upside down, flipped it over like it was nothing more than an omelet on a pan.

Would he even want to settle for less than Josie?

Can a man even settle for water, after tasting the nectar of gods?

Would he give up his chance at true love?

It didn't matter, he thought. His opportunity was lost either way. All roads lead to Rome they say, and if he was being honest with himself, he knew that his Rome, whatever road he took, didn't include Josie.

He could see no good coming from either of the decisions which were gently laid ahead of him. He had even witnessed the chain of reactions uncovering in his head. A domino effect, that was naked and bare, showing every piece of the puzzle unmistakably, emphasizing a binding cumulative effect, setting off heartbreak after heartbreak and leading to his immediate downfall.

1 - If he kissed Lizzie, he would fail his heart and break Josie's heart in the process.

2 - If he Kissed Josie, he would fail Lizzie and break Josie's heart in the process.

In a nutshell, it seemed like he could either fulfill his own desires or fulfill Lizzie's desires, but both would ultimately break Josie's heart and lead to his downfall.

Thanks for this, Alyssa.

The inevitable couldn't be postponed anymore and Rafael knew he couldn't escape this any longer. So, he stood up and slowly started marching toward the twins. 

How fortunate that they were sitting next to each other. This meant he had a few more seconds to change his mind. 

Lizzie was leaning over, and Josie was recoiling...

And although kissing Lizzie sounded like a wiser plan at this point, with less backlash. Selfish longing and craving pushed Rafael to Lizzie's left, and the chain of reactions was launched.

1 - Shocked blond - Check.

2 - Angry Brunette - Check.

3 - Boy's downfall - Check.

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