Gitched Romance - (Fluff - Dream x Grian)

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AN: I woke up with a nasty headache and fever, barely enough sanity to finished editing the Mumbo/Scar/Grian oneshot which I was editing last night before passing out with my phone still on.

And now here we are with another story, the beginning of which I wrote in a fever dream. It's sorta a part 1 part 2 but I was too lazy to split them.


The beginning of a new Hermit world was often full of glitches and problems and ever since all the glitches in Hermitcraft Season 8, including the return of EX and the glitched chunk that Doc made, the season 9 server was a mess.

It started with lag. Nothing too crazy, just the slight disconnect from the Minecraft hub and the server that occurred once and awhile. Xisuma was bit concerned since the start of a season shouldn't have so much, but he was able to fix it up quickly.

But then a second world border rose, blocking now the east side instead of just the south. Nothing X did could fix it so he had to call on Grian. He hadn't used his watcher power in a year or so, having lost it in the curse of the boatem hole, but after a couple long painful hours he was successful in summoning his wings.

Grian POV-

Pain shot down my spine with each movement, but each pump of my wings helped loosen my sore back. It was such a relief to have my wings back but the reason for forcing it was just annoying... X should be able to pull the world border down easily.

I just sigh as the blue shimmering light caught my eyes. I pull up on my flight into a hovering position, studying the border. Across the other side, I could see the world extent out, but just in the distance I thought I could make out a shape of a player.

I shake my head. No player could possibly be past the world border. I must still be a bit out of it from pain.

The sooner I do this the better.

I closed my eyes, feeling them roll back slightly as my head falls back and the black of my vision becomes a slight purple. Raising a hand towards the border, I grunt as I focus on pulling down the border.

I could feel it melting beneath my power before I was suddenly shot backwards, my concentration broken as green flashed in my eyes, pain shooting through my arm and shoulder that had been stretched forward.

I open my eyes just as I hit the tree below me, feeling the twigs dig into my wings. Above me was a floating green man. No, that wasn't a man.

It was more a white blob with a black simple smiley face. It was surrounded in a green glow that made it look like a man at first glance.

I would get up and fight off this intruder, but my body was weak from the reawakening of my power so I just watched as he floated towards me.

I shoved my hands below me, pushing myself up into a half leaning position just as the green blob thing settled itself on the tree in front of me.

"What do you want with my SMP?" Somehow the thing's voice reverberated around my skull even in the open space.

"YOU'RE SMP? Hate to break it to you but you just broke into the Hermitcraft SMP so I'm going to have to take care of you."

"Are you the god of this Hermitcraft world?"

I blinked at his question. God? Why would we have a god? So I just shook my head, "I'm the watcher."

The green around the blob turned slightly lime colored. Maybe in surprise? But then it disappeared, leaving a man standing on the tree. Like an actual man. He was wearing a white smiley mask and a lime green hoodie.

Eva's New Hermitcraft and Dream SMP OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now