(27) I love you mom

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I find the Sun and Moon in the main part of the daycare. Sun is seems to rambling to Moon about something and Moon looks super annoyed.

I get closer to the two and they notice me. Moon seems relieved and gets up from his spot. "(Y/n), do you feel any better?"

"Yeah, I feel a bit better," I answer Moon as Sun jumps onto me holding me in a hug. "What were guys talking about?" I ask Sun trying to direct the attention off of me.

"I was telling Moon about a show I was told about! It's called Spongebob I think?" Sun responds, obviously happy to talk about it but he stops himself.

"I used to watch that when I was a kid! I would sometimes watch it when I was bored even now. I guess I can't now but it was fun to watch," I respond with a smile.

Sun's eyes seem to light up at this and he finally lets me go, "we can watch it in the theater!"

"Don't you have to have the disc?" I ask as he grabs my hand pulling me behind him.

"We actually just got it upgraded, we can search stuff on our systems and put it on, as long as it's PG, it is PG right?" Sun pauses to ask me this causing me to bump into him, and Moon to bump into me.

"Yeah it is, I would be concerned if a little kid was telling you about something over PG," I answer and he pulls me along into the theater. I used to watch rated r movies when I was eight but I don't have to tell the two of them that. Having internet access from a young age probably caused a lot of my problems, but that's besides the point.

Sun lets go of my hand but right after I feel Moon's hand on my back guiding me to the seats we had been in when I had asked them out. I can't help but smile at that even if it might not be intentional.

Spongebob shows up on the screen before Sun joins me and Moon and I find myself again in between the two. 

We watch the show for an hour or so before we decide that we should go back to the daycare since the employees would be coming soon. 

"So you haven't told them about me right?" I ask the two. 

"We haven't directly told them, we hacked the system so they won't know until today," Moon answers. 

"They will probably come in here when they notice," Sun adds. 

"Did you guys decide on a name? I can't really go by my real name since they know me," I ask. They both seem to have not thought of that before hand. "Okay, well Moon always calls me starlight, we could do something with that?" I suggest. 

"Starlight doesn't really fit, and I don't others to call you that," I smile at Moon's words. 

"How about Stardrop? Since I'm Sundrop and Moon is Moondrop we can call you Stardrop!" Sun suggests with a smile of his own. 

"That's perfect, we'll go with Stardrop," I agree to the name. Stardrop, huh? It'll feel weird not being called (y/n), but I'm sure I'll get used to it. 

"Should we start calling you Star so you get used to it?" Moon asks. 

"Yeah, I guess that would help me remember," I answer. I hope I don't slip up in my name in front of staff, that wouldn't be good. Kids, the kids wouldn't care I don't think. "So what do you guys do when I'm not here and the kids aren't here?"

"I draw! Or when I can I get Moon to play board games with me," Sun answers, "but now you can play board games with me when Moon is being a butt face," he says sticking his tongue out at Moon. 

"Well I'd convince Moon to play with us, games are always better with more players, even reluctant ones," I say and copy Sun's action sticking my tongue out at Moon. 

Moon chuckles at our actions before responding to my question, "I usually clean all the play equipment, it gets so dirty in such a short amount of time."

"I'll help you with that then, so you can play with me and Sun," I respond. 

"That's great Star, but Sun always cheats," Moon says with a mischievous grin. 

"I do not!" Sun yells to Moon crossing his arms. 

"Do you have proof you don't cheat?" Moon asks. 

"Do you have proof I do cheat?" Sun shoots back at Moon. 

"See, he's trying to lie about it now," Moon whispers to me using a hand to cover his mouth to keep Sun from reading his lips. 

I laugh at him and roll my eyes. We continue to joke around until we hear the wooden door being pulled open. We turn our attention to the door waiting to see who it is. 

I kind of expect it to be staff since it is still pretty early and kids can't really push open the door. But when the door opens I see my mom. She looks like a mess, her cheeks are tear stained and her hair is messy. Her usually nice clothing is now wrinkled. She even has bags under her eyes. 

I stop myself from saying anything, what if she doesn't recognize me? Of course she won't, I'm not myself anymore, I don't look like me. I wish I could hug her without it being weird. 

"This is the new animatronic?" She asks with her eyes locked on me. 

"Hello, I'm Stardrop," I say nervously. It feels so weird to introduce myself as Stardrop than (y/n).  My voice sounds like my own, will she recognize my voice?  I don't know, I need to stop over thinking it. It feels so weird not being me in front of my mom. 

"You sound just like my kid," she says her voice trembling. "Their name was (y/n)," tears start to form in her eyes, "they worked here."

I turn my head looking away from her. This is harder than I thought it'd be. I feel so horrible about my decision. I debate on telling her it's me or not. 

"Have they told you about them?" She asks me, "have they told you about (y/n)?"

"They have, I'm sure it's really hard for you," I decide against telling her, I don't want her to be in more pain. Maybe I should? I will tell her if she ever comes back. 

"I know you aren't (y/n), but could I have a hug, could you say I love you Mom?" She asks. 

"Of course," I walk up to her and pull her into a hug, a tight hug, this might be the last time I'm ever able to hug her. "I love you Mom," I tell her like she asked. She doesn't know I mean it, she doesn't know it's me. I feel her hug me tightly as well. I feel her tears fall into my shoulder and I can't help but hold her closer, I make sure not to hurt her. "You were, I'm sure you were the best mom ever," I tell her. 

We stay there for what feels like hours but in reality it's only been a few minutes. She pulls away from the hug and I reluctantly let go. "I have to go," she says wiping her tears away. 

"You should come back, if you have the time too," I suggest as I wipe one of her tears away. She nods and pulls away from me. 

"I'll try to, goodbye for now," she says as she wipes her tears again, this time being able to stop crying and she leaves. She might be gone forever now. 

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