(5) Sundrop?

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First person

I don't want to jump off and into the ballpit cause I am definitely not an animatronic so I try the other door in Sun's room. It leads into a hallway and from there I find my way back into the daycare. Once I'm back in the daycare I notice Sundrop is here too.

"Hey Sundrop, thanks for moving me, I didn't mean to fall asleep though," I say as I walk over to him.

"(Y/N)! Not a problem, now we can have a slumber party!" He seems tense compared to how he usually is.

"You okay Sunny?" I ask concerned.

He tilts his head slightly seeming confused as to why I'm concerned, "Of course I am!" He reassures me but I still feel as though something is wrong.

I decide not to push it and just nod, "so what do you want to do?"

His pauses for a second thinking of what we could do before he smiles widely, "we could play hide and seek! You said it's you're favorite."

"It'd be a quick game with only two of us, but sure," I smile happy that he remembered.

"We'll take turns! You be seeker first!" I nod in response, covering my eyes with my hands.

"I'll count to 100, but I promise you won't win," and with that I start to count.

I finish counting and put my hands down, "Ready or not here I come!" I announce loudly letting him know I've finished counting.

And with that I start to search. I search the ball pit with no result so I move to the play structures. Having to crawl wasn't the best but it's for the game so I'll put up with it. I search the base floors of both structures before heading up to the next floor.

At this point I've been searching for around 20 minutes and still haven't found him. Continuing my search I reach the top of the play structure and I see a shadow from the top of the structure. Why hadn't I bothered to look up when I wasn't in the structure. I let out a sigh as I go over poking him on his leg through the rope on top.

"It took longer then expected but I found you," I say up to him once he had looked down towards me.

"You did it! It's my turn to be seeker now!" He sounds excited so I hurry to get out of the structure, him jumping off and waiting for me in the middle of the room.

I get there after a few minutes of being lost in the structure. "Go hide, I'm starting to count," Sundrop then proceeds to start counting, being louder then I was when counting.

I quickly look for a place to hide, ending up in a play structure again, pushing myself into a closed off corner.

I hear him finish counting and my heart starts to pound, I haven't this in so long, I always loved hiding more then seeking, probably because of the adrenaline of it.

I let out a small yawn, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I pull out my phone checking the time, 12:59, makes sense why I'm so tired.

Suddenly the lights turn off, leaving the only light that can be seen is my phone light. I wonder why the lights went out.

"(Y/N), come out come out wherever you are," a voice says, it doesn't sound like Sun, it sounds creepy but no one else should be in the building besides the security guard and other animatronics so it has to be Sun.

Maybe he's just trying to scare me, which doesn't seem like him but it's fine, im not scared of the dark and I know it's him so it's fine. I stay hidden as I hear him calling my name in the same voice as before. Suddenly it goes quiet, causing me to feel nervous. I suddenly see red eyes in the slide near me.

"Sundrop?" I ask confused, feeling more nervous as he moves closer. It's just Sundrop, there's nothing wrong. Then why was he tense before is it because of this?

I turn on my phone flash light, and point it at him, he looks different. He has a night cap on and his clothes are different.

He seems to notice that im nervous as his smile flattens for a moment, his face turning into one of concern. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice doesn't sound the same as Sundrop's but it doesn't sound as it did before it sounds more soothing.

I nod my head, but I can still feel my stomach churning and the tense feeling in my chest.

He moves closer as I turn off my flashlight, sitting next to me, humming quietly. I lean my side on him, trusting him, it is Sundrop but different. I can't even get my thoughts straight.

He puts an arm around me, rubbing my arm softly. My breathing starts to go back to a normal rate, as I close my eyes just listening to his humming.

After a few minutes of this I hear the generators start back up, meaning the lights are back on. I open my eyes after a second seeing Sun back to normal.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he sounded disappointed in himself.

"No you're fine I promise, I just didn't know what was going on. You could have told me about that."

"His name is Moondrop, he comes out whenever the lights are off, I wanted to spend more time with you that's why I didn't want the lights off," he explains, "he was programmed so he can help with anxiety and help kids sleep by telling them bedtime stories and sing lullabies."

"You're so sweet, but why did the lights turn off in the first place?"

"At the end of every hour the power is sent to the charging stations, so all the lights go out for a short amount of time," he says rubbing his thumb on the side of my arm.

As he does that I realize I'm still leaning on him. I quickly pull away from him feeling embarrassed, "ah, sorry for leaning on you," I say looking away from him.

"Not a problem! I like cuddling with you," as he speaks my blush grows, making me cover my face.

"How can an animatronic make me feel like this," I whine quietly to myself. I pull myself together before looking up at him again, "I like cuddling with you too, but why don't we get out of the play structure, I'm feeling kind of closed in."

We both get out of the play structure, going down the slide since it was right there. Once we are both standing again I speak, "hey, Sunny, could I turn off the lights? I want to speak to Moondrop for minute."

((Hello! I don't want to make Moondrop bad, cause like why would they program an animatronic to like kill kids ya know, I'm making it so he does that for security reasons, and the only reason he was after Gregory was because he wasn't supposed to be there while you the reader were technically allowed to be so he didn't freak out on you, if you don't like the idea just tell me, I might change it if you give me ideas on how to get around him wanting to kill the reader lol))

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