(3)Nice talks and drawings

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First person
"Okay, so, uhm," I pause trying to think of something to talk about, "Do you and the other animatronics get shut down at night?"

"Nope, we get to walk around the whole place," he says, 'whispering'. 

"Well what do you do at night then? It must be boring. "

"I play games! I have legos and card games and other stuff!" His voice gets loud again. 

I let out a small chuckle thinking it's cute, "you need to keep your voice down, what is your favorite song?" 

"Walking on sunshine!" 

I give up at this point at keeping him quiet as we go back and forth with me asking him questions and him answering. 

After what seemed like only a few minutes the alarm goes off on my phone, causeing me to let out a disappointed sigh. 

"I guess we have to get the kids up," I say getting up and stretching my back slightly. 

He follows my actions, getting up and stretching even though he is a robot. 

We walk over to the kids, and I give clap twice loudly. "Alright! Nap time is over let's go get snacks!" I say loudly getting everyone up. 

Hearing mention of snacks all the kids get up and walk towards me and Sundrop. Once everyone is up I ask Sundrop to get the snacks, which is an apple and string cheese. He gets the snacks and we hand them out to kids. 

As the kids are eating we clean up the mats and blankets. By now it was around 3:15 and some parents were getting their kids by now. So we decide to play a game while we still can.  We all decide on tag and Sundrop is it first. 

Smiling, all of the kids run away from Sundrop, following suit I run away as well, not wanting to be the first one to be tagged. 

Almost everyone including me are in the play structures trying to get away from Sundrop. I am hidden in a slide trying to keep from being seen so I won't be tagged. Thinking I'm safe I don't pay attention to my surroundings only to be surprised from Sundrop climbing up the slide. I let out a squeak and pull my feet closer to me, trying to make my way out of the slide while laughing. 

I end up slipping and sliding farther down the slide, making it easy for Sundrop to tag me. 

"Tag!" He shouts before sliding down, trying to get away from me now. I let out a whine and slide down as well finding a kid to chase, acting as though it is hard to get them.

I tag them after a minute before running away. After around an hour of the game there is only 4 kids left in the Daycare so we decide to do something else. 

"Hmm, well what do you guys want to do?" I ask the kids who were all standing in front of me and Sundrop. 

"Draw!" One of the kids shouts and another agrees. 

Another one huffs whining, "I wanna paint." 

"Why don't we do both then? Sundrop do you want to paint or draw?" I ask looking over to Sundrop. 
(I have been made aware I put pain instead of paint, it has been fixed)

"I want to paint!"he says tilting his head side to side. 

" alright, whoever wants to paint go with Sundrop, and whoever wants to draw come with me. 

It's split evenly with 2 kids for me and 2 for him. We get out the supplies and set up the stuff for the kids who start the activities. 

Sundrop joining in on the painting while I draw. I can't think of what to draw and all that is coming to mind is Sundrop since he is so close so I decide to draw him. 

The kids are picked up and take their paintings or drawings. After they are all gone I let out a sigh of relief, feeling even more exhausted then before. 

"Hey Sundrop, I drew you," I say getting his attention before handing him the drawing. He takes it and just stares at it, not saying anything. 

"Sundrop?" I ask, only to have his arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug. 

"Thank you!" He says happily, lifting me up while hugging me. I laugh, holding tighter onto him not wanting to fall. Be eventually sets me down, not letting go. 

"I'm glad you like it Sundrop," I say slightly pulling away from the hug, causing Sundrop to realize and let me go. 

"We should clean up the toys and stuff," I suggest. 

We both start to clean up the room, making sure not to leave the room a mess. It's around 8 now so I had a bit of free time since I technically I wasn't supposed to go home until 9.

By the time we are done cleaning it's 8:15 so we have enough time to do something. 

"Sundrop, do you want to talk more before I go home? We finished everything we need to do so if you want to hang out for a bit we can."

"Yes! What do you wanna talk about?" He asks as we find a spot to sit together. 

"Well I'd like to get to know you more, you haven't told me a whole lot, I don't even know your pronouns."

"He him and it its! What are your pronouns?" 

((Your pronouns but I'm gonna be using they/them if I do list any pronouns)) 

He nods, "I'll be sure to respect your pronouns!"

"I'll be sure to respect yours as well," I say smiling slightly. We talk for a while, loosing track of time while doing so.

After talking for what feels like mere minutes I look up at the time, realizing it was already 10:30.

"Damn, we've been talking for awhile, and I'd love to continue but I do need to leave before the doors go down," I get up from my spot stretching before going to grab my things I left at the desk.

I grab all my stuff before looking back up at Sundrop, he looks sad? It's hard to tell when he can't really move his face.
"Hey Sundrop are you good?" I question walking over to him.

"Yeah," he pauses for a second looking down,"I just don't want you to go," he says sadly making me feel a bit bad for having to leave.

"Hmm, I don't want to leave either but I have to, I have pets at home, how about I'll come in early tomorrow?" I suggest trying to lighten his mood.

He instantly perks up,"yay! Please do! I can't wait to see you again tomorrow," he says, now getting up himself.

I give him a soft smile, "I can't wait to see you again tomorrow either," I double check that I have everything before heading for the exit door. "Goodnight Sundrop, do you want the lights left in or off?"

"On!Keep the lights on!" He says sounding desprate to keep them on.

"I'll leave them on then, Goodnight again Sundrop," I give him a hug before leaving.

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