(25) Missed you

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(Pic above is xDarkest_Roach25x 's! Along with the example of stardrop for this fanfic!)

I'm back. 

I'm back! It worked!  

As I realize this my head shoots up looking around the room. I notice Freddy, Roxy, Chica, and Monty before my eyes set on them. The loves of my life, my boys, my Sun and Moon. I can't keep my eyes off of them. 

"(Y/n)!" Sun says breaking the silence. I cant help but smile at him, I pull the two into a hug. 

"I missed you two so much," I say relieved, holding them closer to me. 

"(Y/n)," Moon mutters holding me tightly. 

I pull away slightly, my eyes switching between the two of them.  After a minute of the three of us staring at each other Moon pulls me into a kiss causing me to stumble slightly but of course I kiss him back. Sun pulls away from me, which is understandable, as Moon starts to kiss me rougher.  I notice that the kiss feels different than usual, I mean that is expected, I'm not human anymore. 

After a minute we hear the others fake coughs considering they are animatronics. Moon doesn't seem to pay them any attention but I don't want them to be uncom so I push him away slightly, pulling away from him. 

"We can kiss all you want later, but it's rude to do that with others here," I tell him. 

"We were actually just leaving!" Chica pipes up, "but congrats on becoming an animatronic!" She says and starts to leave, waving the others to follow her. 

"Bye (y/n)," Roxy says before following her girlfriend out of the room. 

"Have fun, superstar," Freddy says pulling a reluctant Monty out of the daycare as well. 

As soon as the door closes Sun basically jumps on me. "I missed you so much!" He whines holding me tightly his head laying on my chest. My chest, I haven't even seen how I look yet. 

"I missed you to Sun," I say with a laugh. Now that I'm thinking about my body I notice how different I feel. I can't describe it even in my head, it feels so weird. I feel heavier, which makes since because I'm an animatronic now, I'm metal, or at least parts of me are metal. "I'm sorry I put the two of you through that."

"I would do anything for you," the two say in unison. 

"We would do anything for you," Moon says with a smile as Sun gets off of me. Moon pulls me up once Sun is off. 

"Can I see how I look?" I ask him. He seems to have just realized that I have no clue how I look. 

"I wasn't thinking about that, of course, the closest one is in our bedroom," Moon says taking my hand in his. I notice my hand is still smaller than his, and just now I'm realizing my height is the same as it was before. 

He pulls me along behind him with Sun following us. "Can I get a kiss?" I hear Sun ask from behind me, I turn my head slightly to look at him. 

"I'll give you a kiss when we get to the room okay?" I reassure him and he nods in response. We continue our way to the bedroom and after a minute or so of walking we get there. Moon lets go of my hand and opens the door, leading me inside. 

"Both of us agreed on how to build you, we tried to keep some of your features," Moon tells me as I walk towards the mirror since I know where it is. I hear Sun close the door behind us as I reach the mirror. 

As I look at my new form I can't help but smile. It is very apparent that the two put a lot of work into this, into me. (I'm not gonna describe how (y/n) looks but it is a star and a reference pic is at the top!) Some of my features were the same, my height, hands, and small details on my face are the same. (By small details like if you have freckles then stardrop has freckles) I take a moment more to look at my new body, running my hands over my torso, taking in how different it feels from when I was human. I see Sun come up behind me, his hands going to my waist before wrapping around my stomach pulling me against his chest. 

"I look amazing, thank you both so much," I tell them as I love my hands to lay on top of Sun's. 

"Can I have a kiss now?" Sun asks leaning down slightly. I chuckle at his request but oblige and turn in his grasp to face him before kissing him. Again like with Moon's kiss I notice how it feels different. I smile into the kiss and place a hand on the side of his faceplate and moving the other to his chest. After a minute or so I starts to lead me backwards but the mirror is behind us so I redirect him by side stepping away from the mirror and letting him lead me back from there. 

I feel like I should be out of breath by now but now I don't have to breathe, I can't breathe. But I still pull away from the kiss as I am pushed against the wall. 

"I guess you really missed me huh?" I ask teasingly. 

"I really, really missed you," Sun says leaning against me slightly so his weight is slightly on me and the wall. 

*+:。.。I would do anything for you。.。:+*Where stories live. Discover now