(6)Talking with Moon

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First person

Sundrops lets out a huff, crossing his arms frustrated but he nods anyways. I give him a soft smile, "I promise it won't take long Sunny." And with that, I turn of the lights, Sun's breathing gets heavier for a moment before his breathing goes back to normal and I turn around seeing Moon once again. 

He looks over at me, the only way I can really tell is from the glowing red of his eyes. I turn on a flashlight to see him better but I don't point it directly at him. 

"So, how does this work? Do you know me? I mean I know you knew what was going on when me and Sundrop were playing but," I stop when I realize I'm rambling. "Sorry, I'm not even giving you a chance to respond."

He lets out a laugh sending shivers down my spine, "I know you, I am able to see everything Sundrop sees, just with some delay, and might I say," he pauses leaving an eerie silence,"Sun seems to really like you, and I must agree with him, you are quite fascinating."

I blush slightly letting out a small chuckle thank god it's mostly dark, wait can he see in the dark? I mean he's a fucking Moon I don't know ahhh, I need to say something stop thinking stupid, "oh, thank you? You are interesting as well, both of you." God I sound like an idiot.  We both stay silent for a minute, unsure of what to say. 

"What did you need to talk about?" Moon questions. 

"Oh! I completely forgot, I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for freaking out, I feel bad for reacting the way I did," I apologize looking up at him. 

"Its," he pauses, letting out a sigh, "it's fine, I'm used to people being scared of me, kids and adults alike," he says the last part sarcastically but it is obvious that he is bothered by it even with his never ending smile. 

"I'm not scared of you, I promise, it's just when you expect one person and get another it startles you," I explain to him, hoping to make him feel a bit better. 

"You don't have to lie to me (Y/N), it's that expected reaction at this point, no matter how hard I try to help them they don't seem to care for me, they just want Sundrop, cause he's nicer and happy constantly and is so much better then me in every god damn fucking way," Moondrop keep his voice steady throughout his rant, not raising his voice for a second. It's obvious that he has some issues, with how the kids see him and how he is treated in comparison to Sundrop. 

"Moon, I promise you don't scare me, I'm not lying to you, I promise, im not sure how to prove it to you," I try to calm him down slightly, not wanting him to feel unwanted around me. Oh! Maybe hugging him would help? I'm not sure if he's okay with physical touch, he did wrap his arm around me when I was having a problem. I step closer to him, wrapping both arms around him lightly. "I'm sorry you feel that way, I'm sure would love you if they got to spend more time with you."

He tenses as soon as I touch him, but he seems to relax after a minute, hugging me back. "I haven't been held in so long, thank you (Y/N)," he says quietly, tightening his arms around me a bit more as he pulls me towards him, not wanting the moment to end. 

And so we stayed hugging, but we end up sitting down with us sitting next to each other, both of us having an arm wrapped around the other. I have my head leaning in his shoulder with his head on top of mine as we talk. 

He mainly tells me about how he and Sundrop work. He tells me that they can speak to each other through their 'thoughts' and how Sun is constantly annoying him even when he is in control. He tells me about what he was designed to sing lullabies and help kids with anxiety like Sundrop had said, but he is also the one programmed to do first aid and on top of that be a security patrol of the daycare at night.  

And sometime while we were talking I end up falling asleep while leaning on him. When he notices that I fell asleep he moves us both so that we are laying down with my head on his chest. 
(I am very sorry for having a mental breakdown and posting about it, I am just am having a hard time)

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