Day 8 - Chapter 17

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Day 8

"Wanna go on a job?" Gray asked . We were hanging out at a bar called 'Sunshine'. Ever since I got my powers, Gray's been training me on how to use, control, and manipulate my magic. For two days straight! Finally we decided to take a break, but then test out how much I learned. And about the way I look...

-flash back-

"I'm not gonna look like this forever am I?!" I whine to Agatha.
"I think it suits you." She responds not looking up at me. She was mixing a pink and yellow potion and got some weird orange color. "Agatha please!"
"Okay relax! It's only day six and you're driving me crazy!" She pauses and sighs, taking off her goggles. She takes the potion over and lets a drop fall on a blank paper. But once the liquid hits the paper a hidden message in a language I don't know, appeared. My eyes widen a little. Then she faces me.

"It will wear off tomorrow. The look at least. You'll keep your magic forever. It's now mixed in with your DNA. Now as for the look, you'll continue to look that way when you use magic and a strong emotion takes over. So once you have enough of a certain emotion, and use magic at the same time, you'll transform into that look you have on right now. But if you're just like let's say...super angry, as long as you don't use magic you'll look 'normal.' But to look like that it need DEEP and ALOT of emotion. Not just a little anger or sadness or whatever. It's kind of like Dragon Force for Dragon slayers." She said turning back to the paper and spilling more of the orange liquid uncovering more letters.

She looked at an open book; I guess a book that translates it. I looked over on the walls covered in maps, all marked in the same different location with a red marker circled. 'The Endless Woods' and 'Gavaldon'...didn't Agatha mention something about her coming from Gavaldon. And also that The School For Good And Evil lied beyond The Endless Woods? What was she doing? All of a sudden I heard a gasp and glass break. The tear-shaped bottle that held the orange potion, now shattered in a million pieces on the Woden floor.

"Agatha?" I say stepping closer to her shaking, terrified body.
"I-I knew it...Hester's here. She's gonna turn Juvia into a Witch! We're already out of time!" She cried.
"What- Agatha, who the hell is Hester?-" she cut me off,
"Train With Gray! Find your Prince before it's to late!" She said practically pushing me out the door.
"Agatha! Stop!" I say, but soon she pushes me out the door. I turn to face her, shocked. Agatha was crying. With a scared face, like she saw a ghost she said,
"Run." And with her magic, shut the door on my face.


"(Y/N)!" Gray called my name.
"W-what!?" I say quickly turning to him.
"Job? Hello?"
"Gray I don't need a job, I need to find my true love!-"
"And if you can't? How the hell do you expect to survive your Fairy Tale if your stupid Prince isn't here to save you. Cause he ain't here. So fight for yourself." He said in a mean voice. "That hurt.." I whisper. Gray's expression soften.
"I'm sorry...I just- want to keep you safe. It's if I lost you, I'd...never mind." Gray turns his head quickly. 'Was he blushing?' I stare closer at his face, but suddenly I hear a voice. I know exactly who's it is...

"HEEEYYY!!!" Kiko blurted running into the bar. Everyone turned heads annoyed, but the boys expression (and some of the girls) changed when they saw how beautiful she looked. Kiko may be annoying, but I like her. She's kind, sweet, not to mention pretty.
"How the hell is she 40?" I say to Gray.
"I have no idea." He says. Kiko slides up to me in the booth.
"Okay, I brought the job requests like Gray asked. There's this one." She said pointing to one of the three.

"It's 200,000 jewels. All y'all have to do is get rid of these criminals who keep stealing and robbing people."

"No. Not enough for (Y/N) to use her magic." Gray said completely ignoring me. He scooted closer to Kiko. Again there goes that tingly feeling I felt with that girl at the ice cream vendor.

"Okay...well. There's this one. 300,000 jewels. You guys have to destroy a city. It's been invaded by mice, and the people already moved. The mayor asked for ice wizards and water wizards only. But (Y/N) can cast rain-" "Next." Gray said.

"Ugh. Well the best for last right? Okay this on is 500,000 jewel! Oooh! Ahem. And you guys have to kill a monster that is on the verge of attacking a city. The Wizards there tried to stop it, but said it was impossible. They need professional wizards before the monster destroys all the city. It's all ready wreaking the place! Also the mayor asked to not destroy the city, just the monster so you have to be really careful-"

"Done Deal! Thanks Kiko! Bye!" Gray said grabbing my hand and leaving the building. He grabbed the request on the way out. I felt bad leaving stunned Kiko alone, but happy that the tingly feeling disappeared.

The Mermaid Princess {Gray x Reader} Ft. The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now