Freedom - Chapter 3

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Agatha slowly watched the magic form right before her own eyes, the way Christina did 8 years ago. As she watched (Y/N) slowly close her lids, the pink potion came back from her mouth and surrounded her body in a coat of pink, which Agatha could not see behind the mist trapping her. A bright light slipped from the cracks of the fog which erupted from (Y/N)'s body. When the storm died down all that remained was her floating still body.
With two legs.
Agatha knew that she needed to float her above water so she can breathe.

Quickly and carefully once she swam up to the surface with (Y/N) she rushed her up to the deserted sand and placed her naked body on the shore. Agatha then took off her black cloak and wrapped (Y/N) in it. She took one last look at the sleeping Princess and remembered the last time she too was unconscious. Back when she was trapped inside an ice coffin, with her witch friend slowly raising an ax above her head about to- she shook off the thought and quickly swam back deeper into the ocean. One more look at (Y/N) and she sighed.

"Be careful what you wish for..." And with that Agatha left (Y/N) alone, waiting for her Prince to rescue her.


"Gray-Sama just a couple more minutes! Juvia wants to be on the beach a bit longer..." The blue-haired girl whined to the shirtless guy. Gray, irritated, said,
"I thought you said this would be fun, not torture. besides we should be getting back, we don't want the guild to get worri-" Gray stopped short, for now her was starring past Juvia. He was squinting and saw a limp body on the beach. Quickly he ran past Juvia and gasped once he saw the body.

"Gray-sama what is it?" Juvia said now running to where Gray stopped, her eyes widen.
"It's a girl..." He said.
"Why would a girl be on the sand? Is she even alive?" Juvia said worriedly. Gray bent down on his knee and placed his ear over her heart, he heard a beat.
"Yeah, she is. C'mon, let's get her to the guild." He said now picking the girl up and putting her over his shoulders. This time Juvia didn't argue.

-Gray's POV-

Once we got back to the guild, Mirajane instructed me to leave the girl in the infirmary room, but when I went to check on her, she was gone.
"What do you mean she's gone?!" Natsu blurted.
"It means she's gone stupid! She left, ran away, disappeared!" I yell back.
"But how? She was in pretty bad shape, she couldn't have just left." Lucy said walking up next to me. Most of the guild was now rushing into the small white room.
"Might I suggest a search party?" Erza said butting into the conversation.
"Glad to see you made it back from your job, but is a search party necessary? We don't even know the girl." Evergreen said walking into the guildhall with Elfman.
"Well maybe. I don't know. While I was bringing her here, she mumbled about 'legs, mermaid and home' somethin' like that." I repeat, trying to remember what else she said in her sleep.
"Maybe she lost her memory?" Levy suggests. "Probably. But who mumbles about mermaids?" Lucy said crossing her arms, a puzzled look on her face.
"Well then a search party it is. The girl lost her memory, and now she's wandering the streets of Magnolia in a cloak. Gray and Lucy, you two will take the east-" master was cut off by Juvia. "But Juvia wants to with Gray!"
"No, Juvia you and Levy will stay here, in case she comes back. Erza and Mirajane, you two will take the north, Natsu and Wendy take the west, and Evergreen and Elfman will take the South. Come back in 2 hours if you still can't find her. It'll be easier if you fly so Natsu and Wendy will have their exceeds" Gramps said, looking at the dragon slayers. He looked over to me and Lucy.
"You two can be in ground control- while Mirajane and Erza have their armor and takeover magic, and Evergreen can use her Fairy Wings, while Elfman does a body takeover. Everyone okay with this plan? "
"Yes sir!" We all say.
"Good, we'll use Warrens telepathy magic to communicate. Let's go!" Erza shouted and we all went our separate ways.

-Your POV-

When I woke up, I was in a strange room I never seen before, then it came flooding back. The dream, the argument, Agatha, the drink, and my body felt like I woken from a 100 year sleep. And I noticed, I was on land. Quickly I took off the blanket I read about in books, and saw my legs. They were beautiful.. and I actually had feet! With five little toes on each. I laughed and I tried to stand only to fall face first with the ground.
"Arg ow..." I groan while trying to use my arms to pull myself up in a sitting position. I stare at my feet and try once more to stand. Holding onto the bed rails, I control my right leg to move forward and then my left, before I knew it, I could walk! I realized I was still in a room in a building with people I don't know, so I opened the human thing. It was clear, and clean, I thought I could walk through it but it looked like an invisible force field. I remembered these were called 'windows'. I opened the 'window' and placed one leg in, then my body and pulled my other leg out with it. I heard the door open from the room I was just in time as I quickly hid under the window sill. I peaked in over back to the room to see a handsome young man. He had blue-black hair,with a scar over his left eye. He was tan, with strong muscle and abs, I found myself drooling at him and quickly shook off the thoughts. I couldn't help but notice that on his shirtless body, he had a weird 'tattoo' over his heart. Once he left the room running, I ran too, only this time I ran into away from this strange place. This wind was flowing through my hair, And I danced in the moon, feeling free.
I'm alive mom. I really am
I think to myself. All my life I felt as a human trapped in mermaids body. And all I ever wanted was to find my true self once more.
Well, here I am.

-Gray's POV-

It's been 30 minutes but we haven't found the girl. Me and Lucy were now practically going in circles.
"Gray, how'd she look like?" Lucy said, breaking the silence between us.
"She had (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin, and a black cloak wrapped around her body. That's all really." I said.
"Well that's not much. Think we'll find her?" She asks.
"We better. For all we know she could be crying in an alley."

-Your POV-

I couldn't have been more happy in my whole life. Dancing in the street, like it was my last day on earth, but then I realized what Agatha had said.

"30 days to find love." I whisper to myself. But how? How do I fall in love? I found myself walking, my head, looking down at my feet. I realized I was on a grassy cliff over the ocean, waves crashing on the dirt of the cliff. I sat down and stared up at the white moon.


I heard a voice call from behind me. Who would be out this time of night? I turn around and see a blonde girl, with brown-bug eyes running to me. She had a white, sleeveless shirt, with blue around the trims. Some of her hair tied with a blue bow, as a small side ponytail. She also had a short, short, blue skirt with some gold and silver keys tied around her brown, leather belt, and a black whip with matching black-knee high boots. But she wasn't alone.

The handsome man from earlier, was running next to her.

Running to me.

The Mermaid Princess {Gray x Reader} Ft. The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now