8| Idiot

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"Go away. I don't want to talk to you", Flynn clearly said, crossing his arms in front of his body.

"Can you tell me why?", Lana asked softly, not wanting to be ignored anymore. She felt helpless around the little boy because she couldn't understand his change of attitude around her.

To her surprise Flynn opened up, turning his head to be able to look her in the eyes.

"Because Mommy has been gone since you came! I want her back, so go!", Flynn exclaimed angry, letting Lana understand his actions. The boy thought that her leaving would bring back Tanya. The black-haired woman exhaled in relief because she had thought that she had upset Flynn because of something she said.

"If that's what you want me to do, then I can go... but your mother will not return because of that, Flynn. She died and that means that she will not come back in person. But you know what? She will still be here with you.", Lana said, walking slowly closer to him and placing her hand on his chest. To her surprise, Flynn didn't turn away. "She will be right here. In your heart and when you close your eyes you can imagine her being here, talking to you.", she said softly, looking Flynn right in the eyes.

"How do I know that she is here?? I am afraid to forget about my mom when I cannot see her.", the boy cried, trying to speak clearly whilst holding Lana's gaze.

"You're not gonna forget about her, because we will never stop talking about her, about our memories. And we got pictures and videos to look at, that will help you remember her smile and laugh. She will always be part of your life.", the black-haired woman said, pulling Flynn into a hug before she sighed and decided to continue. "You know...I lost my Dad when I was 16 years old and I was afraid like you today. And when my mom told me that he would be with me all the time I didn't quite believe her.", Lana chuckled at the same time as Flynn because he wasn't really believing what Lana just told him. "But on the day of his funeral I went upstairs to my room and in one of the spare rooms, there was standing this figure my dad loved, which was broken since I can remember. But that day I heard a sound and it turned out to be that figure that just started to work again. At first, I was really scared and ran down to my mom but she had told me that it must have been him.", she smiled slightly at the memory.
[A/N: This was a true fact from Lana; she mentioned that story in an interview]

"So he was with you after all.", Flynn smiled.

"Yeah. Exactly. Sometimes we are just not able to see them, but they will see us and stand by our side. I promise that your mom loves you with her whole heart and I love you too.", Lana said, emotionally touched and kissed him on the head. For the first time in four days, Flynn flung his arms around her and pressed himself against her body, making her feel like the boy was depending on her hug. Lana didn't hesitate and pulled Flynn even closer, not wanting to let him go. They stayed in that position for minutes, only moving a little to make it more comfortable for both of them. After a while, Lana felt how Flynn's body went limp, whilst his breathing was getting soundly and steady. She smiled sincerely, laid the boy in his bed, and put the blanket on top of him before turning to leave the room.

The smile was still plastered on her face, when she finally closed the door and almost bumped into Sean, standing there.

Since Lana was lost in her thoughts and looking to the ground she really got scared as he magically appeared in front of her.

"My God!", she quickly yelled out, taking a step backward. "You scared the hell out of me! Why are you standing here-- wait. Did you watch us?", Lana asked and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well... I didn't want to interrupt you...because your conversation was extremely cute and heartbreaking at the same time. I thought that it would be good for you to talk to him because Flynn wasn't really nice to you during the last few days. I am glad that he felt safe enough to tell you why he was behaving like that. He really loves you, you know. We all do.", Sean said smiling, putting one hand on her back to lead her to the living room.

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