38| Snowfall

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"How do you know where Santa is?", Flynn asked curiously. 

"Eh, he sends adults a map in case we need to go to him. Like we need to go now since Leo has something important to ask him.", Lana casually said and was really convincing for the kids, who were excited straight away. 

So that's what they did. Sean and Amélie had a good nap whilst Lana headed to a nearby mall with the boys. 

Leo's excitement died when he was actually facing Santa, who was sitting on a huge chair for his opinion. The old-looking man was bigger than he first thought, even intimidating when he came closer. 

"I… I am going alone. You cannot come, Lana", he confessed even though he didn't really want to let go of her hands since he was afraid. But he had to. He needed to do this alone. 

"But why not?", the black-haired woman asked in confusion. 

"Because it's a secret. You're not allowed to know.", Leo answered. His request to Santa Claus had changed during the drive here. He didn't even think about that toy anymore which he was fighting for originally. No. He had something more important to ask the old man, so he took a deep breath and all his courage to approach him, whilst Lana and Flynn were waiting a few meters away, outside of the line. 

When Leo got up the little stairs with which he struggled a little, his self-confidence slowly returned since he had a goal and he needed to share it with Santa. His small steps got bigger and a grin was forming on his face when he finally reached his destination. The old man picked him up, letting him sit on his lap with a bright smile and chubby red cheeks.

 Leo turned himself immediately, so he could reach Santa's ear, to whisper his wish into it, like it was the biggest and most precious secret he had. The eyes of the old man lit up, whilst the corners of his mouth got pulled magically to his cheeks, making his grin even brighter. When the boy finished his sentence, Santa was calling out for one of his little helpers that were in an elf costume next to him and asked for a pen and a piece of paper. 

As soon as he got it, he started to write a small letter, sealing it probably before giving the piece of paper to the boy. 

"Listen, Leo.", he started and got a small glimpse at Lana and Flynn, who were waiting for Leo. "To fulfill your request, I need a little help, alright? So I need you to give that letter to your father. You must do that. Do you think you're capable of doing so?", The old man asked and Leo nodded straight away, having no doubt.

"I am!", he confirmed before taking the letter and packing it into his small backpack he carried with him. "So… you think my wish is going to come true?", he asked with big eyes, looking directly into Santa's with a pleading facial expression. 

"I cannot give you my word because it really is something very special you're asking for but I will do my best to fulfill your wish.", the man answered with a grin, before stroking one last time over Leo's hair. "You're a strong little boy.", he assured him with a smile before letting him down on his feet again. 

"Thank you, Santa…", The kid answered, having a last look at him before running off into Lana's arms, who picked him up and gave him a big kiss on the cheek since he did such a good job all alone. 

The old man couldn't help but follow with his gaze, looking at the three of them with a huge grin on his face. "Merry Christmas, little Leo.", he mumbled before he had to turn back and concentrate on the next kid in the line. 

Lana and the boys stayed a little longer in the mall, searching for a Christmas present for their dad, sister and even Lola. Flynn and Leo couldn't hold themselves back from buying one thing for everyone, since they wanted to surprise each of them for Christmas. They ate out at Domino's and stopped at a small play area in the mall before heading back home. 

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