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Flynn was still playing with some of the Lego in his room, so Lana could finally focus on bringing Amélie to bed. 


"Sorry, Sweetie. Your brother needed some attention as well.", she chucked and sat down next to her bed. "What are you up to? Looking at a book? That is really interesting", she smiled at the little girl who was desperately pointing at a dog. 

"Looks like Lola, huh? I can tell. Do you want me to read it to you?", Lana said pointing at the book and slowly tried to take it from Amélies hands but the little girl refused and hardened her grip on the pages. 

"I see. It's your book and you wanna show me stuff.", Lana chuckled and looked at the colorful drawings. 

"Dada", Amélie said amused, and put her finger on a man with a stroller in the book. She was absolutely right. The person on the page must be the father of the kid.

"Well done, Amé. That is a Daddy. Since when are you that clever Ms. Maguire. Seems like I missed a lot in the last couple of months.", Lana grinned proudly. "I didn't have time too often, you know. After I wrapped Why woman kill I tried to write another Short and we had quite a handful of conventions going on as well.", she told the Girl even though she couldn't understand what she was actually talking about. After a few minutes, Amélie was closing her book and put it outside of her bed to lay down on her own which made Lana release a little "Awww". She placed the blanket over her and gave a gentle kiss on the forehead before leaving her room so she was able to settle down properly. 

At this point, the actress was extremely tired herself even if it wasn't even too late, but with everything going on, her energy level sank very quickly. After pulling herself together and taking a deep breath she entered Flynn's room who started straight away to show her everything he and Leo had built. She loved to hear about all the imagination that this task brought to the boys. Imagination is something that Lana thought was extremely important in life, to be able to dream properly and escape from the downsides of this world sometimes. She admired how detailed Flynn explained every little Lego in his city. There were slightly any random ones laying around, all of them had a meaning which impressed her whilst listening. After Flynn was done they both decided to get ready in the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed himself slightly with a wet towel before putting on his nightclothes and jumping into his bed. Lana read him a story like promised and ended it with a kiss on his head to say goodnight. 

"Lana?", Flynn said right before she left and made her turn around to face him again. "I am sorry for throwing the blueberries earlier. We shouldn't have done that…", he said with a small embarrassed voice which made Lana grin slightly. 

"I forgive you. Good job for saying sorry. That means that you understood that it wasn't the right thing to do.", she said softly and added a "Love you, Flynn. See you tomorrow.", as she reached the door handle. 

"I love you too", Flynn grinned and made himself cozy in his bed. "You're great auntie Lana.", he added before closing his eyes. 

His words brought tears to her eyes that she wasn't able to hold as soon as she left his room. She loved being around children a lot and these words meant everything to her, especially when they were said after the disagreement they had earlier. 

Lana's thoughts drifted off to the dream of hers to have children on her own, which never had come true. Since she is almost 45 years old her hopes had vanished, adding the consideration that she didn't even have a partner right now. It wasn't meant to be, she said to herself almost all the time she was seeing a little human. To be fair she never was actively trying to get pregnant in the first place, since she had been happy being the stepmom of the three boys she kind of married along with their father but when she and Fred broke up, Lana fell into a dark hole of emptiness. The kids that started calling her mom were ripped off her life even though she was able to see them a couple of times after the divorce. It wasn't her favorite topic to talk about at all. She didn't marry someone to end up alone at an age where a new start of a family seemed not reachable, even if the breakup was the right thing for them. 

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