39| Daddy Loves Lana

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Lana climbed into bed after an exhausting day, wanting nothing more than to close her eyes and sleep. "I am done with my life.", she expressed, saying it with her face pressed into the pillow and her hair all over the place. 

"I know, but I am pretty sure you don't wanna sleep in jeans.", Sean smirked but since Lana didn't move a single muscle he was almost certain that she didn't care at all about that. "Come on. That's not comfortable.", he said, turning her to face him. "Don't make me undress you like a child, Lana.", he warned. 

"Or what?", She grinned mischievously with a certain sparkle in her eye. 

"Otherwise I will make you sleep in the guest room.", he grinned 

"You wouldn't.", Lana said shortly 

"Don't try me.", he grinned before going down from the bed to change into his pajamas. "Oh yeah… I wanted to ask if you would like to tell my parents about us… I mean… not like you but we… together.", Sean asked, pulling his sweater over his head, well knowingly under the gaze of his girlfriend. 

"Sure….we can do that.", she said and turned herself, so she could lay on her stomach to properly be able to watch Sean. "Is that scar from your motorcycle accident?", She asked when Sean pulled down his jeans that hid a long scar that seemed to have been a deep cut or something similar. Of course, Lana had seen it before but she never asked about it directly since he kind of tried to change the topic every time she had mentioned it in the past. 

"Yeah… how do you know?", he asked with a frown. He couldn't remember telling Lana about his accident. 

"Your mom… she told me some stories about you. For example, that you got punished because you stole a flower from someone else's garden to give it to your former crush in high school.", Lana chuckled slightly. 
[A/N: Which is a true story] 

"… that story… well… I guess I tried. She didn't go out with me in the end.", he said laughingly. "But yeah… that scar was from the accident. I am pretty lucky to still have that leg, to be honest.", he said. "Can we… sorry… could we not talk about it?", he asked politely with an apologizing look on his face. It surprised Lana that he wasn't willing to talk about it but it didn't matter to her what was holding him back. Might just be the unpleasant memories. 

"Yeah… that's fine.", she said, finally standing up to grab the shirt of Sean that she was wearing as a pajama. "And what did the cart say? The one Santa gave to Leo… you finally opened it, right?", She asked but didn't get an answer, just another apologizing face from her boyfriend. "Sean!! Christmas is in literally three days. What if it's something we can't buy that easily?!? Open it. Now.", she demand. 

"I will. Give me a second.", he said, grabbing for the letter on his nightstand. He sat down on the bed, opening it carefully to not rip anything that was inside. When he unfolded the paper his eyes came across just a few beautifully written words that melted his heart right where he was sitting. His eyes got watery, when he read the letters again and again, which made it sound even more special each time that he did so. 

"Is… is it about his mom?", Lana asked softly as soon as she realized how much this piece of paper caught him by surprise. She slowly approached him, laying one hand on Sean's shoulder whilst her boyfriend folded the note in half, so she wouldn't be able to read it. 

"Yeah…", he simply said, taking a deep breath. "In some way, it is about his mum…", he added, slipping his fingers carefully over the paper. 

"Can… I read it?", She asked, unsure since he just did everything to hide the words from her. He did it in a soft and not suspicious way but she still recognized that he was not willing to show it to her. 

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