22| Words Of A Father

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"Fuck!", Lana cried out and let herself slip down the wall until she sat down on the ground. 

What scared her wasn't actually the fact that Sean could have feelings for her. What scared her was that she surely had some for him. You would think if both parties are in love with each other it might be the perfect situation. The perfect couple that could form, but for Lana, it was reliving the same feelings she had for Fred when they started to feel more than friendship. And look where it had brought them. 

There was only one thing that was different now. She had  lived such a transition from friendship till marriage before and this time she was not ready to lose her friendship for it. She couldn't. If she would lose Sean as a friend, she would lose a bright light on her night sky and this was not going to happen. The only thing she could do about this was to bring distance between them. Distance that would both hurt them, but would protect their friendship. 

A formal knock on the door ripped Lana right out of her thoughts. 

"Lana, darling, are you alright? I am sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.", Kathleen said and made her chuckle, since she was saying the word 'darling' the same way as Sean. 

She pushed herself up from the floor and opened the door to face the sweet blond-haired woman. 

"It's alright. I just thought I would have to throw up. That had nothing to do with you. Don't worry.", Lana said with a fake smile of hers, which Kathleen couldn't tell apart from a real one just yet. 

Nevertheless, Sean's Mom pulled her into a hug, to apologize for her wrong assumption. Lana returned it, simply smiling at her when they heard the front door open. 

"I guess Sean and Michael are back.", Kathleen said, letting go of Lana. She was actually glad for the diversion, to not make her situation with Lana even weirder. 

They both went down and whilst Lana got sat down by Sean, the rest decided to put all the groceries away. Lana actually thought about how to make an escape, that first, wouldn't be suspicious and second of all wouldn't hurt anyone. Thank God that she had discovered the mail from ABC that Sean was reading yesterday. Giving her a pretty pleasant excuse to return home. 

"Ehm… Sean?", She said, pulling him away from his parents a little. "I just wanted to say that I need to drive home. My aunt has some appointments and cannot take Lola any longer….and I actually have a meeting coming up with my agent. Pretty sure you got the same mail as I did…", Lana said, trying not to look too nervous around him. 

Of course, Sean realized that something was off with her behavior, but he thought that it was just too much for her with his parents and the kids being in the house. It was understandable that she would prefer a quiet place whilst recovering. 

"Sure… don't worry. It might be even better for you to have a quiet house and not… well… my kind of loud family.", Sean chuckled playfully, trying to hide the disappointment about her going home. Why was he even disappointed? Lana already stayed longer than planned. 

"But Ehm… just to tell you. Amélies birthday is on Thursday and we wanted to have a little party on Saturday. It would be lovely to have you.", Sean grinned. Lana couldn't resist smirking as well when she looked him in the face. 

"I will be here. I promise.", Lana said. 
"I will stay until the boys are back to say goodbye to them as well… because I will not be here until Saturday I suppose.", Lana explained. 

"That's very nice of you. Otherwise, they would probably call you to ask why you left.", Sean laughed. "Leo actually thought that you're living with us until you showed him your house. He was always like 'but daddy, Lana doesn't have a house. She is always living with us.'", he imitated his toddler whilst giggling. 

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