Crashing Waves: 11%

31 3 8




Everyone mood was low.

The Black Lion was attacked and overran by a real nasty pirate who called himself as Prorok and he didn't take prisoners, not kindly. He overpowers an enemy ship with his crew's numbers and orders for them to kill their enemy, leaving no survivours behind unless they held a high price on their head or was found to be a women who could be used to please the captain and his men. 

He's also known for sinking ships without giving them a chance to fight back or defend themselves. He'd set his canons on them and attack when they were at their weakest or during a misty day, knowing the enemy ship wouldn't be able to spot them until it was too late. 

And that's how he approached the black lion just nine days ago. 

Shiro was at the wheel, leaving his men to rest up and sleep below deck as they'd been faced with a harsh and dangerous storm for the past couple days before hand. He had Keith at the front of the ship, candles lit to warn other ships over them being in the mist, a candle lit at the front and back of the ship to help show a glow in the mist and warn approaching ships that they were there, advoiding any crashing from happening. Shiro rang the fog bell, the sound warning other ships that might have been close by and that's how Prorok found them. 

His ship using the mist as a shield, using no candles or bells themselves to keep themselves silent and hidden. Time Shiro took notice over the outline of a ship, Prorok men was already attacking and Shiro was knocked down with Keith calling out over the attack while pulling his sword out. 

Thanks to Shiro dealing with certain pirates, Prorok decided he wanted him kept alive along with his right hand. A very high and rich bounty was placed on both their heads that Prorok greedily wanted for himself. His crew was left to steal anything from the Black Lion and due to Shiro and Keith being such high class prey captured .. Prorok allowed a handful of Shiro men lives to be spared. 

The crew placed in one of the long row boats with little food and drinkable water. No weapons and no map and left to float in the ocean. Apparently god would decide if they lived to fight another day or die beside the water they loved so much, in Prorok eyes. 

But that wasn't the worse of it because as Shiro and Keith was shoved inside a cell, they found two other males trapped in the cell opposite. 

Hunk and Lance. 

Both looking a little beaten up and starved, shivering from the cold and part of their clothes were soaked from the sea water thrown at them to wake them up or just thrown at them for amusement for the crew members on watch. 

Shiro panicked, dread filling him as he didn't spot Katie anywhere. 

His blood ran cold and he feared over the worse fate happening without him ever having a safe to save her when she needed him. Keith beside him, concerned as well and asking the two over their missing member while his captain was lost in his horrid thoughts. 

But news over Pidge simply being sick and left behind was enough to calm Keith down and soon pass on the news to his captain. 

Shiro slowly calming down, having to sit down and rest up from the emotional drain he just faced. Before the heavy weight of his killed crew members filled him and the fate over those that were left alive. Shiro didn't mind giving up his own life to protect his crew and his dearest friend Keith but to be sold off and still had most of his crew dead. It was a herd hit for Shiro and he needed a moment to accept the last hour of events. 

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