Chapter 7

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"That kind of sounds like your voice." Elena's voice rings through as Luke, Liv, and Tyler watch a video.

"That is my voice. I took that video 18 years ago at a birthday part for the twins." Jo says realizing what was happening.

Liv looks shocked, "Oh, my god." was all she managed to say.

"Luke and Olivia?" Jo asks to confirm her suspicions.

"Jo as in Josette?" Luke counter question.

"Hang on. You guys know each other?" Elena asks not picking up what was happening.

"I'm their sister." Jo answers with tears in her eyes.

Clara was stood in the hall near the stairs listening. Caroline had let her in but it seems whatever drama that was currently happening was important to the group. "So, if you don't know each other, then how did you all just happen to end up at the same tiny liberal arts school?" Caroline questions nervous about bringing up Clara now, Elena would shift the entire conversation.

"We had a family friend here... Shelia Bennett." Jo tells them truthfully.

"You know Bonnies grams?" Elena questions not believing what she was hearing.

Jo turned to face the two girls completely. "She took me under her wing. She also helped my family put Kai away." Jo reveals.

This caught Clara's attention, Kai. She was much closer to family then she thought. "Kai? Wha-Kai as in Damon's Kai?" Elena clarifies.

"As in our brother, my twin." Jo explains.

"As in my father, Kai." Clara says as she reveals herself, making her way to Caroline's side. She decided to rip off the bandaid of the news. Everyone stares at her with different emotions, Jo with a bit more fear then the others when she see's a similar glint in Clara's eyes that she remembers seeing in Kai growing up. "Long time no see." she greets them.

Jo takes a step back in shock and fear, while the twins just stare with wide eyes only having the faintest memory of her. Elena was just staring at her confused, "Clara? What are you doing here?" she asks.

Caroline slowly raised her hand, "I sort of invited her." she admits.

"What? Why?" Elena questions, still confused over all the information.

"Because we were running out of friends for friends-giving. She's my friend, your sister and-" but she was cut short.

"You didn't bring Klaus did you?" Tyler questions on edge now that she was here.

Clara stares at him, "Lucky for you I didn't. But don't try anything." she warns him, he only replies with a glare of his own.

"Hold on." Caroline says, gaining their attention. "There are two sets of twins in your family?" she asks not believing it.

"Yeah, there were until my coven put Kai in a prison world." Luke explains.

"Now theirs only Luke and me." Liv continued.

Liam stands from his seat at the table, very confused with the conversation that was happening around him, "I'm sorry. Did you say coven?" he asks.

Elena looks at him with wide eyes before giving him a smile, "Oh, my god. Liam is still here." she says calmly panicking.

"I think he meant 'oven'." Tyler covers quickly.

"Yeah." Elena agrees weakly.

"Oh, look. We don't have a wine opener on the table." Caroline says, walking up to him. "Liam, you have a wine opener in your room. Why don't you get it. Take your time." she compels him.

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