Chapter Nineteen: Missing Sister

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Izuku paced around in his bare room. Who knew he was Deku? Those 'high ups' seemed very important. If they were as strong as Junpei was, who knows what they could do to him? A shiver ran down his back. What if they were Junpei's superiors? And they obviously wanted something with him- Junpei had whatever an 'assignment' was on him, and they knew his identity.

Not only that, but All Might probably saw his face too. Izuku swallowed the pit in his throat. Could he even get himself out of this? Other than being captured by Endeavor, this was probably a worst-case scenario, right? How much time did he have left? How many people could Deku still save? How long would it be until Deku died?

Izuku took a deep breath. Panicking wouldn't do any good. Plus, the makeshift mask he made to get home definitely needed to be worked on before he could go back to his vigilante work. Izuku was eternally grateful that he learned to crochet instead of knit, which only used one needle. Having to use two needles with a broken arm would be impossible.

Still, crocheting with one hand wasn't easy. He might even have to wait until his arm healed before he could patrol as Deku again. Izuku's shoulders slumped. It would be too dangerous to fight with a broken arm anyway, and accidentally ruining Junpei's splint would not only be problematic, but disrespectful to its delicate craftsmanship.

Junpei's had incredible talent to make this high of a quality splint with just cloth. Though it was just cloth he used, the snug tightness of the cloth was like a cast. Izuku's arm didn't even hurt. Well, it hurt a little, but nothing that he couldn't brush off. Did Junpei really only use cloth to heal his arm? Or was it something else? Izuku's face lit up. Could've it have been his quirk?

Instead of making a mask, he instantly decided that taking notes on his 'Thursday encounters' was more important. A smile creeped out through the fear planted on his face. At least he still had some time before anything happened.

Izuku sat on his bed and grabbed his notebook. He turned to a new page and started scribbling every detail imaginable about Thursday. Izuku narrowed his eyes at Junpei's hints on the Sludge Villain and Yua's whereabouts. "Well, I know Yua is going to get an assignment on you soon, too. And uh, I guess you can say that the 'taking puke villain thingy' betrayed someone you knew."

What was he even talking about? If Junpei's assignment on him caused them to fight, then would Yua's assignment cause her to fight him too? That wouldn't be too bad, as long as Deku could gain her trust long enough to talk to her. But what did the Sludge Villain's hint mean? Of course, he 'betrayed' someone, but it was someone he knew. Izuku tilted his head. He has no friends. Who did he know?


In his buff form, All Might hurriedly walked to the yarn shop, many stares and gasps following him. His neglect tugged at his heartstrings when he ran past his excited fans. But being in his hero form may make the employees at the shop more willing to cooperate with him. Plus, this was a lot faster. The sooner he gets the camera footage, the better. Deku's arm and most likely many other things needed medical attention as soon as possible.

The chime of a bell rang above his head as he opened and closed the door. The young woman sitting behind the counter dropped the book she was reading. "W-Welcome! Is there anything I can do for you?!" she blurted out, wide-eyed.

All Might couldn't help but chuckle. "Your camera footage would be very helpful for a case that I'm working on," he pointed to the camera sitting on the wall, slightly above the tv. A perfect angle to see faces walk into the building.

"S-Sure thing!" she opened a door into a back room, motioning for him to follow. "Right this way!" The room was small, walled with wooden drawers, an old computer sitting on one, and a round table in the corner. She walked over to a drawer and dug her hand through many records until she picked one and placed it on the keyboard. "This is all the footage from last week," she said, hooking a wire into it and plugging it into the computer.

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