Chapter Thirteen: Endeavor's Win

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Sitting in his home kitchen, Enji pinched the bridge of his nose. His entire life, he was second best. From hobbies to his career, there was always someone who stood above him in every little thing he did. Always someone better than him. Though he never grew peace with that fact, he was forced to accept it, and give it up. That way, maybe he could forge an entirely different route to be number one. To create an offspring that could be number one. But then an opportunity arose for him, one that meant he didn't have to give up his child-like dream. Deku. If he could just catch that vigilante, then maybe the media would finally favor him over All Might.

He immersed himself so much into this investigation, he'd be lying if he said he didn't neglect his family. Not that he'd care much anyway. Though it was a shame to slack on his son, Shoto's, training. But finally being number one was a lot better than having a son who's number one. That's why protecting the Endeavor Deku Investigation was so important.

After Recovery Girl left yesterday, it gave him some time to ponder on the vital information on Deku Tsukauchi neglected to tell him. Not only that, but how to handle Tsukauchi himself. Despite figuring out what Tsukauchi was keeping from him, Tsukauchi still held a big threat to his Deku investigation. Based on Recovery Girl's information, it was obvious that Tsukauchi had intentions of ruining his investigation despite working for it. Tsukauchi was a major problem. One, if left alone, could potentially be more threatening than All Might's private investigation. Well, All Might's private investigation before he destroyed it.

Alone, Recovery Girl and even All Might aren't much of a threat. Recovery Girl already gave away her trump card, which was Yui Shuzenji's connection to Deku. All Might has rarely cracked a case on his own. And among the ones he has cracked, they're ones that could be cracked by common sense. But on the other hand, Tsukauchi can still jeopardize everything even if he leaves or Endeavor drops him from the investigation.
If Tsukauchi left his investigation and went back to All Might, even now, they could leave his investigation in the dust. Though Endeavor wanted to deny it, those two were a fantastic team. No matter how tough the case, whenever they worked together, they always cracked it. One held strengths where the other held weaknesses. But add Recovery Girl into the mix (who had a connection to a very important lead), and Deku might as well just show up on their doorstep. He needed to keep Recovery Girl and Tsukauchi separate from All Might as much as possible.

That is the reason keeping Chiyo and Tsukauchi working for his investigation was so important. But Tsukauchi obviously has intentions of helping All Might rather than him. If Enji kept him in the investigation, Tsukauchi could easily be a double agent and give the evidence and clues his investigation finds to All Might.

Would it be wise to gamble dropping Tsukauchi off his investigation?

Endeavor stroked his beard. Most likely not. All Might and Tsukauchi already know Recovery Girl's trump card, so they don't really need her anymore. Those two were able to find a great deal of evidence on Deku in a single weekend. And truth be told, Tsukauchi is the best at what he does. The risk of losing the race of finding Deku and gaining advantages is just too high. Tsukauchi would have to be dealt with without dropping him from the investigation. But there is a high possibility that Tsukauchi knows this himself, he is extremely smart. The only way to control Tsukauchi would be to manipulate him. Endeavor stood up with a smirk, walking to the door of his house. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Endeavor is also the best at what he does.


Tsukauchi rested his chin on his hand, scrolling through his messages. Recovery Girl read the text yesterday, but hasn't replied to it. A pit of despair weighed in his stomach. What if Endeavor got to her? He took a deep breath and turned his head towards the window to calm down. The shade of Endeavor's heartless icy stare painted the window.
Jolts of fight or flight pushed Tsukauchi's legs out of his chair. His shaky hands rubbed his eyes in disbelief. It was just the sky. Endeavor wasn't even in the room. Tsukauchi sighed, sitting back into his chair, nervously picking at the loose skin around his fingers. Was Endeavor really affecting him that badly? To the point where he flinches wherever there's something blue? He slouched back into his seat. Why did Endeavor have to target him? Why couldn't it have been someone else?

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