twenty-two ☽ forever

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Despite her efforts, Cora Blackburn had learned that she knew absolutely nothing about hexes and their counterspells. Still, she wanted to help Cami and her uncle, so Cora called the person who taught her everything that she knew.

Theo, however, was not willing to just let her figure it out on her own. He invited himself to New Orleans, amid a borderline war between the factions that rule the city. The worst part was that Cora had not been informed by his in-person visit until he showed up at the front doors of the compound.

The library at the compound was slowly becoming her favourite place and she'd expanded her readings from the grimoires to some of the journals that Elijah had kept over his exceedingly long lifetime. As someone who had studied history and worked as a researcher, she knew a whole lot of people who would lose their minds over high-quality primary sources like this. Then she came across an entry that made her rather eager for clarification.

Cora found Elijah in his office and she dropped the journal onto his desk.

"You met Michel de Nostradame?"

"Yes, well, Kol had a fascination with magic and witches. Following Michel's publishing of Les Prophéties, Kol suggested we pay the man a visit. Purely out of academic curiosity, of course."

"You say that so casually," Cora said in disbelief, looking as though she was bursting at the seams with excitement. Elijah leaned back in his chair as he looked up at her, amused by her reaction.

"I thought your area of expertise was ancient Greece, my dear Cora."

"I got into history because of the European monarchies in the 16th century. Mary, Queen of Scots. Queen Elizabeth. The Tudors. I did a whole paper of Nostradamus back in high school because I'm a witch and I don't necessarily believe in seers but people are still trying to decipher his prophecies to this day!" Elijah didn't say anything, too enamoured by watching her talk so passionately. Her smile was so beautiful, especially now.

"Am I boring you?" Cora asked, noticing his lack of verbalization.

"No, never," Elijah said, pulling her down to sit on his lap. He tilted her chin down so that he could kiss her. "I was appreciating you."

The newly learned knowledge was forgotten as Elijah kissed her again. Cora found the edge of his jacket and began to tug it off. As her hands began to undo his buttons, the door to Elijah's office slammed open with a flourish.

"I do so hate to interrupt, but there is a man in our courtyard claiming to know the little witch and I would hate to do an unnecessary murder on a day such as beautiful as this."

Cora looked over her shoulder at Klaus, fixing him with a rather withering gaze.

"I can think of a necessary murder right about now."

"We'll be right down, brother."

Elijah pulled Cora in for another kiss and then she stood up. Elijah fixed the buttons of his shirt and put his jacket back on, smoothing the fabric. He put an arm around her waist and together, they headed down to the courtyard of the compound.

Cora pulled away from Elijah, running into the arms of the man in the courtyard. Theo Hurst let out a chuckle as he returned the hug, holding her close in a way only a parent would.

"What are you doing here, Theo?" Cora asked, sounding far more confused than angry at his surprise visit. Theo raised an eyebrow, looking at the chaos witch with a slightly judgmental expression.

"I've been hearing about what's been going on in New Orleans all the way up in Seattle, honey. You've been busy. And your magic's back."

A look flickered across Theo's face. A flash of worry.

Born of Chaos ☽ E. Mikaelson¹Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz