four ☽ bayou baby doctor

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Rebekah was pleased to discover that Elijah's witch could perform a decent locator spell. It was an old church attic that Marcel had stashed Elijah's coffin with the girl, Davina. The room matched the one in Rebekah's memory, right down to the rickety shutters on the window. Stepping forward, Rebekah found she was stuck behind a barrier that meant she was no longer invited in.

With a frustrated sigh, Rebekah scanned the room, noticing her older brother was laying in his open coffin. To her surprise, Elijah's eyes opened and focused on her. In an instant, Rebekah was transported to a beautiful opera house lifted directly from her memories of New Orleans. Her clothes reflected the peak of finery in 19th-century fashion.

"What the bloody hell?"

"Rebekah, language, please!" Rebekah turned her head to see her brother smiling roguishly at her, clothes reflecting the same finery that she donned.

"Elijah!" Rebekah exclaimed, her face becoming bright as her lips grew into a smile. She ran to her brother, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. Then she steps back, glancing at the scene around them.

"What is all this?"

"You don't remember? We went to the opera house together. It was your first full day back into New Orleans' society after Klaus removed the dagger from you. It's a memory that only you and I share. Also, I needed to know it wasn't another one of Davina's tricks."

A faint smile flickered across Rebekah's lips. After all this time, Elijah was as sentimental as ever.

"Well, how are you even awake?"

"Davina removed the dagger, unaware that doing so even once would negate the dagger's power. In a few hours, I shall be as good as new," Elijah explained, a smile spreading on his face.

"So, pop me into the attic and we can find a way to get you out! Or I'll grab your witch to do a little magic or whatever."

"You've met Cora?" Elijah asked, smile ever-present. Rebekah watched the shift in her brother's body language. It was almost like...he became lighter somehow, as though for a moment, he was not a thousand-year-old vampire with a thousand years worth of problems.

"She only led me to this god-awful attic."

"That's good. You can trust her to help protect Hayley and the baby. But I beg of you, Rebekah, keep her out of Klaus's schemes."

"That's a bit hard considering you want her protecting Klaus's pregnant werewolf."

"Rebekah, Cora is doing me a favour which I do not take lightly. She's made something of a point to stay out of any supernatural business in the past. I do not want our brother ruining the trust that she has in me," Elijah said sternly, sounding about as officious as any older sibling would. "Promise you'll do that for me."

"Of course."

"Excellent. Now, I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to leave yet, Rebekah. This girl, Davina, she's...curious. Willful, too."

Despite the fact that the interaction was happening nowhere but their own minds, Elijah poured both himself and Rebekah drinks.

"Soon, I shall be able to speak to her, perhaps to even propose a truce of some kind. So, if we can end this war between the vampires and the witches, we'll be able to eliminate the threat to Hayley, and her baby. Perhaps then Niklaus and our entire family can finally know peace."

Elijah handed a drink to Rebekah which she took while still listening intently to her older brother.

"In the meantime, I need you to look after Hayley, as well as keep Cora out of Klaus's schemes. Hayley is our family now, so I need her and her unborn child to fall underneath our protection." Elijah held his drink in the air, tilted towards Rebekah as though prepared to toast. "Swear to me, Rebekah."

Born of Chaos ☽ E. Mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now