three ☽ locator spell

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Something that was known about Elijah Mikaelson, whether one knew him in real life or solely by his reputation, was that he was reliable, ever the man of his word. It was something that Cora learned about him from their very first meeting. So when she arrived in New Orleans and he had yet to contact her, she grew a little worried. Not worried enough to concoct some wild spells, but enough to ask around.

A good place to start was always a bar. Loose lips sink ships and all that. Cora sat down where she could get a proper view of the bar. She had something of a method for finding supernatural beings, namely witches.

It had to do with the tricky little necklace that she always wore. Once she had a drink, she took off the necklace, holding it in her hand. Cora put the necklace down on the table in front of her before pulling her hand away. She watched the bar's patrons and employees for moments before one woman looked directly at her.

Petite and dark-haired, the woman stared for a moment, both confused and maybe even a little worried. It seemed Cora's version of a bat signal for witches was rather effective because the moment that Cora's fingers grazed the necklace again, the woman looked away.

Cora lifted her necklace, putting it back around her neck as she rose to her feet. She followed the woman through the bar, down to the doors that separated staff from the local riffraff.

See, Cora's necklace was a modified cloaking spell that masked her magic from other witches. It was something of more recent development as Cora's magic had grown with potency as she'd gotten older. The magic that ran through her veins was...unsettling to other witches, or so she'd been told. Alas, this was something that came in handy now.

Cora leaned against the door to close it behind her. The woman glanced up, alarm written all over her face.


"Customers aren't supposed to be back here." As the woman spoke, she seemed disconnected from her own words. She seemed to be making the connection between Cora's brief magic signal and being followed back there.

"I'll be quick," Cora promised, taking a step forward. "I'm looking for Elijah Mikaelson."

"Well, he's not here."

"You're a witch. If an Original vampire comes to town, you know about it."

The woman was silent, looking at Cora with a scowl on her face. Finally, she spoke again, though her words didn't exactly aid in the conversation.

"I haven't seen him in a few days."

"Any clue where I can find him?" Cora kept her tone pleasant, despite the harsh tone that the New Orleans witch was using.

"No. The Originals are very private."

"Are you positive? Because this is me asking very nicely."

"You don't want to hurt me. Elijah Mikaelson wouldn't be very happy if you did."

"I don't need to hurt you to be a little meaner in how I ask my questions." The pleasantness in Cora's voice shifted to something a little colder. Cora's blue eyes became tinted with purple as she raised her hand, fingers moving fluidly as purple magic danced around her hand, itching to be used.

The woman's eyes widened and she stepped back. Before the situation could go any further, Cora lost her breath as she was slammed against the wall, arm pressed against her neck.

She was looking into the eyes of Klaus Mikaelson.

"Get out of here, Sophie. You and I will have our little chat later," Klaus growled at the woman. Then his attention turned back to Cora and he lessened the pressure against her neck so that they could talk.

Born of Chaos ☽ E. Mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now