fourteen ☽ something is coming

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Elijah could smell the blood before it dripped down Cora's face. In an instant, he was at her side, catching her as she fell. The sight of the blood pouring from her nose and the corners of her eyes made him feel sick. He felt her breath fall as she lost consciousness and a degree of panic gripped his heart.

Panic was not a feeling that Elijah knew well. After all, he was the calm brother, the one who tamed and cleaned up after his little brother's violent tirades. He was always in control, except in this. Except with her. Elijah hadn't intended for any of the feelings that he had for her. They were meant to be two souls passing in the night three years ago. One good night.

Then he couldn't stop himself from seeing her again and again. Soon, he would go back to New York just to visit her for days or sometimes weeks at a time. Somehow, Elijah's heart had gotten involved and now here they were, in this strange in-between stage where all he knew was that he needed her.

God, he needed her.

Back at the compound, he placed her down on her bed, listening to her heart rate. It was beating steady now, a sound that soothed his nerves. Elijah got water and a washcloth to start cleaning the blood from Cora's face.

However, it seemed that Elijah was not alone. The whole family seemed rather concerned about Cora, despite certain past behaviours towards her.

"Are you not going to give her blood or something?" Rebekah asked, her arms crossed over her chest with a frown on her face.

"I won't," Elijah answered his younger sister, carefully wiping the blood that stained Cora's face.

"Why the hell not?! Vampire blood heals anything!"

"Because Cora's affliction is not normal. If–" Elijah swallowed hard, bracing himself for the words that came next, "If Cora weakens despite the vampire blood and she dies, she will become a vampire and I won't do that to her."

"Or blood could wake her up, brother!" Rebekah pointed out, getting half a mind to bite her wrist and force her own blood down Cora's throat.

"While I appreciate your concern, Rebekah, this is not something we, ourselves, can fix."

"Maybe we need a witch."

"I imagine they're not particularly inclined to help considering Cora's interference might be the thing that caused the Harvest to fail."

"I think we should start threatening witches, maybe kill some for sport," Klaus supplied unhelpfully, "Get them to help your love, brother."

"Forgive me, Niklaus, but I can't help but question your motive considering your hand was on Cora's throat less than 48 hours ago."

"The Harvest failed which means the witches are screwed. Our city is still standing. If Cora's interference had anything to do with that, I think we ought to throw her a bloody parade."

"Elijah, I think what Nik is attempting to say in his...barbaric, misguided way is that we know how you feel for her and we want to make sure she is alright."

"Her heart is steady and I will stay with her for the night to monitor for any changes. Do not do anything stupid." Elijah paused, his gaze falling on his little brother. "I mean you, brother."

It seemed that the Mikaelsons had no shortage of enemies, even when they thought the chapter on those enemies had closed. Elijah had not seen what had occurred within the Cauldron, but he did hear a vivid recount from his younger brother.

Two vampires were murdered with no stakes in sight, just an old symbol carved into their foreheads.

That was magic that Elijah had not heard of in a long time. Almost a hundred years to be precise. It was voodoo and something he'd only ever known one man to do.

Born of Chaos ☽ E. Mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now