nine ☽ toxin

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As a normal average human who hadn't slept all night because she was trying to find Hayley with Elijah and Klaus, Cora was too tired for this shit. The shit in question was yet another Mikaelson family squabble that undoubtedly ended in some form of violent altercation. Unsurprisingly, Klaus was being accused of something nefarious.

"Tyler Lockwood brought Hayley here to test a theory," Elijah began. Klaus nodded his head for his brother to continue. "That the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims you knew that. Furthermore, that you intended to use this knowledge to build an army."

Cora carefully watched Klaus's reaction to the news. His expression became one of pain and anger.

"And, of course, you assume it's true. I mean, why else would I show interest in my own flesh and blood? A heartbroken little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it! How quickly you believe the worst."

"Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Hayley or her child, beyond your own selfish pursuits? And what was it you once said to me?" Elijah asked, matching his younger brother in anger. His voice then changed to mimic Klaus. "Every king needs an heir!"

"My big brother. So, you doubt my intentions? Well, I can't say I'm surprised, standing next to the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother? A liar, a manipulator, a bastard." The last word rang with something that was too personal. It was a word that personally taunted Klaus. Cora believed Klaus, his innocence of the accusation. When Cora's attention switched to Elijah, she could already see him second-guessing what he'd accused Klaus of.

Klaus stepped forward as he and Elijah stared one another down.

"That's all I am to you, isn't it? And Rebekah. No doubt you've filled Cora's head with stories of your evil brother–"

"Don't presume to know what I think of you, Klaus," Cora interrupted, her voice coming out a little more defensive than she had intended. The hybrid turned his eyes on her, shaking his head slightly.

"I know how you look at me, little witch," Klaus answered bitterly. "Considering Hayley trusts the both of you over me, it's clear she feels the same way. No doubt my child will as well."

Elijah's face softened, feeling guilty for his rash assumption.

"Brother, if–"

"You've said all that needs to be said, brother," Klaus interrupted, stepping back and holding out his arms in defeat. "I'll play the role I've been given."

Klaus turned as though he was going to walk away, but instead, he turned back, moving too fast for anyone to react. He bit Elijah's neck savagely. Cora felt her stomach lurch as she stepped towards Elijah.

Klaus wiped his mouth with his hand.

"You lot enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over, once the hallucinations and dementia set in. Consider that bite to be my parting gift."

Klaus left then and Cora turned her full attention to Elijah. She reached up, gently pushing Elijah's face to one side so that she could get a better look at it. Elijah placed his hand over hers, removing it from his face.

"I'll be fine."

"You'll be fine?" Hayley asked incredulously. She looked rather sick at the current circumstances.

"It can't kill me, Hayley. It'll just be a rather brutal illness," Elijah explained to the werewolf. The sigh that came from Hayley was full of relief, however still slightly shaky. Hayley looked at where Elijah was still holding Cora's hand and the witch stepped back, pulling her hand away.

Born of Chaos ☽ E. Mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now