"feeling: sore"

713 26 13

Jarl Brum was not a pleasant man.

This came as absolutely no surprise to Matthias as he ran up and down the stairs of the spectator bleachers at the ice rink. He could already feel the burn and stretch in the back of his calves and it had only been five minutes; which didn't bode well for the rest of the game.

The ice rink was empty at ten in the morning. The game started at three and Matthias didn't even need to be inside the building until half two, but he always liked to be punctual; he was also severely out of practice. Even with weekly training sessions and constant hours in the gym, Matthias had it drilled into his mind for years now that he wasn't good enough. His coach, Jarl Brum, had been teaching him since he was fifteen years old. He was a vile, cruel and harsh man who spent hours of his sorry old life bullying twelve year olds into some kind of ice warriors.

Matthias thought the ice rink was empty, but the subtle sounds of sharpening blades from the changing room suggested otherwise.

He kicked the door open with his foot, hands filled with ice skates and a substantially large training bag. Matthias found Brum perched on one of the wooden benches, skate in between his knees and file in his hand. His eyebrows were furrowed, leaving a slight knit of wrinkles on his forehead. Jarl Brum was not young, you could tell that from the graying sides of his hair and faded tattoos on his hands. But from what you could say he lacked in years, he made up for in being a completely shitty person.

"Helvar!" His voice was croaky, scratching at Matthias's ears. He cocked a sort of half smile, throwing his bag down on the bench and sitting down across from Brum. "Excited for the first game?" Matthias shrugged, not entirely sure how to answer Brums question. Yes, he was excited, but he was also a little terrified.

"I guess, just want it to go well." Matthias was mumbling, something he rarely did, only when in Brum's presence did he stoop to such atrocious levels. Brum let out a throaty laugh, one that made Matthias cringe, he winced a little outwardly. Pulling his skates out of his bag, he began lacing them onto his feet. "Ah well, don't we all boy!"

Brum stood from the bench, walking over to Matthias and clapping him on the shoulder.

Stop treating me like a son.

"My friends are coming today, don't want to disappoint them." Matthias sighed, pulling at the laces on his skates. "It's been a while since they've seen me." Brum lets out another cackle that shakes him to his soul.

"You still hang around with those people?"

Matthias stiffens in his seat. "Yes." He grits out, pulling on his other boot. Brum's expression changes, standing up. "Matthias, they're not your scene, think differently to you." He says this was an air of confidence that Matthias is sure he should not have. "And who are you to say what is good for me?" Matthias grabs his bottle from his bag, standing up and heading for the door.

"Fine, if not your friends, at least get rid of that silly Ravkan girl, she's making you far too so-" Before Brum could finish his sentence, Matthias had him shoved up against the door with a fistful of his sweaty shirt in hand.

"Do not, let another word about Nina come out of your mouth." Matthias spits. "Or I'll kill you with my bare hands."

He releases Brum from the wall, stalking out to the rink to practise.


Inej: red silk shirt or dark green crossover

Nina: purple top

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