"operation wesper is a go!"

849 30 15

mentions to past trauma 

Kaz Brekker and Matthias Helvar

Kaz: why'd i get a really threatening message from nina last night

Matthias: I don't know! 🤷🏼♂️

Matthias: I tend not to ask and just let her rant

Kaz: can you ask

Matthias: Nope 👎

Matthias: do it urself slimy mf

Kaz: go away nina

Matthias: and i will not !

Kaz: i'm surrounded by idiots

Wylan Van Eck and Inej Ghafa

Inej: hey baby !

Wylan: hey bestie !

Wylan: how r u bby grl

Inej: i am good wy

Inej: i have a question for u

Wylan: omg that scares me

Inej: no no omg

Inej: i was just wondering if you wanted to come out with all of us tonight

Wylan: all of us as in?

Inej: well itll be me and nina

Inej: who u know

Inej: my friend kaz and ninas bf matty

Inej: it'll be fun

Wylan: are you sure?

Wylan: i would love that

Wylan: i haven't been drunk in foreverrrrr

Inej: yassss

Inej: come by mines at like seven and matty will pick us up

Inej: well

Inej: he doesn't know that yet

Inej: but he will

Wylan: pahaha what a guy

Wylan: i need to go pick out an outfit omg

Wylan: i dont think i can wear a cableknit jumper to a club

Inej: but i love ur cableknit

Wylan: unfortunately the club does not

Wylan: i made that mistake once

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