"ra ra rasputin"

847 29 19

Kaz brekker and Jesper fahey

Kaz: jesper

Kaz: can we talk

Jesper: i promise it wasn't me

Jesper: whatever it was it was definitely nina

Kaz: what no?

Kaz: that's not what i wanted to ask you about

Jesper: i'm not robbing another petrol station

Jesper: it was a complete waste of time

Jesper: we didn't even get any money it was just all different kinds of bottled water

Kaz: jesper

Kaz: will you just listen

Jesper: sorry😔

Kaz: i need you to give me an excuse to get drunk

Jesper: PLS WHAT
Jesper: who r u and what have you done with kaz brekker

Kaz: just do it jesper

Jesper: um

Jesper: It's a tuesday?

Kaz: good enough for me

Jesper: everything alright?

Jesper: ik you like a drink occasionally but like

Jesper: you don't even rlly like getting drunk :/

Kaz: i don't know

Kaz: just need to right now

Jesper: want to talk abt it

Kaz: i actually think i'd rather die

Jesper: alright

Jesper: sassy mf

Jesper: want some company?

Kaz: no

Jesper: okay

Seen : 22:37

Kaz: yes

Jesper: hell yh i'm on my way over !

Jesper: and i'll bring a bottle of vodka !

Kaz: okay

Kaz: don't keep me waiting

Capitalism sucks

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