"all my homies hate jan van eck!"

656 30 22

Sex of crows

Matthias: Sound off, who's not dead?

Nina: kaz and jesper we r looking at you

Inej: one

Wylan: two <3

Jesper: threeeee

Inej: kaz do it

Kaz: fine

Kaz: four

Matthias: Thanks guys!

Inej: right ladies

Inej: how does a night out sound 🤩

Jesper: inej ghafa i might just kiss you

Kaz: i can tell you right now that you will not

Wylan: ooooh the girls r fighting

Wylan: take ur shirts off !!!


Jesper: happily my dear

Inej: oop

Kaz: can we please save the flirting for elsewhere

Kaz: i literally hate it

Matthias: Can we go to the crow club, I love it there!

Kaz: actually i'm considering going now

Nina: pls i wanna get all hot lets do it

Kaz: i'll let them know we're coming

Kaz: god knows they'll need it

Maneskin stans

Wylan: girlies

Wylan: i have a special request for you 😌

Inej: anything for u my love

Nina: christ you sound like jesper

Nina: but yes wy what is the request

Wylan: can you guys like

Wylan: paint my nails....

Wylan: for tonight



Inej: just ur nails?

Inej: bae i'm doing your eyeliner too

Wylan: wait i love that

Wylan: my god if jan van eck saw his esteemed son with painted nails and eyeliner i think he would actually explode

Nina: mf would literally be speechless

Nina: for once

Inej: god he really doesn't shut up does he


Wylan: it's all "money" this, "money" that, "how can i traumatise my son more" y'know all that

Nina: fuck jan eck !

Inej: all my homies hate jan van eck !

Wylan Van Eck and Jesper Fahey

Wylan: sooo

Wylan: you gonna tell me what you did last night or are you just gonna edge me huh 😐

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