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Don't you dare to read it Taehyung, Just you remember, one day, just one day is left, for your marriage. You gathered all courage to ignore it, untill now don't spoil it.

It's twelve AM, and his nightmares are still knocking at his door. Taehyung is standing in front of the mirror with  redshot eyes, it's been days he got a hold of the diary but couldn't gathered a bit of courage to open up the pages and read it. Most importantly tomorrow is Jeongguk's trial date and the day after? His marriage. Yet, his broken self is engaging more with his inner thoughts rather then the reality.

What kind of person are you Taehyung? This is YOUR HYUNGIE'S diary, you have all the rights to read it. What if you find the reason of his betrayals?

Taehyung stop thinking too much. Just think about Eun, what would he feel, if he find out that you are still reminiscing your goody old days with your ex, reading his diary? Shit.. no..

Exactly Taehyung Eun, you know how powerful Eunwoo is. He never once failed in a court case. What if this time he makes your Hyungie go to jail for ever? DO SOMETHING TAEHYUNG. There must be something inside the book.




STOP!!!!! STOP!!!!! ST-OP!!!!

Taehyung shouted looking through the mirror. His messed up hair with his red shot eyes are just screaming nothing but pain.

Taehyung suppressed all his emotions, all his curiosities to read that diary, since he hold it. It seems really odd to belive, for a person like him, who were all walking on streets to gather some reasons behind his betrayals back in years. But now? He seems lost, more like in guilty. Because he has his wedding one day later and he don't want to feel weak at this point. He just don't want to make his soon to be husband to go through the same pain he went through a few years back. He don't want to betray Eun this time.

But, Then again, he wants to read it. Yes!!! He wants to recall their moments while being a desperate fellow yet again. He wants to feel his Hyungie once again before he lose him forever.

With these thoughts the petite male has lost his happiness all over again. All he can see now is a huge mountain before him.

Taehyung's sniffs got interrupted by his phone call. Wiping his tears he receives it.



And the voice was enough to give him chill at this moment. He immediately glance at the phone screen, to confirm who can it be rather then Him.. it's a private number. Oh no...

"Hyu-ng.... ie...." Taehyung mumbled with a shocking face.

📞"Hii- umm.. were you sleeping?" Hesitancy was visible over Jeongguk's voice.

"No,.. yes.. I was sleeping. Where did you get my number?"

📞"Hobi Hyung gave me." Jeongguk mumbled. 📞"Did I disturb you at this moment?" Barely reached over the other's ear making him chukle.

"I don't think you care for me that much Hyungie!" Taehyung said with a bitter chukle, gaining a sigh from the otherside.

📞"I am sorry." Jeongguk mumbled. 📞"For everything. For making you go through such-

"Hyung, I don't think this is what your main motif to call me." Taehyung said with Gritted teeth. He just don't want to recall his past at this moment. That's it.

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