3. Cam, Mitchell and Lily

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Cam: Obviously there were 2 gifts wrapped similarly and my eyes were a little watery from the thick fog of vapor rub back there.

Mitchell: It was pretty pricey, but they're judgey so we knew the'd love it.

Mitchell: It is really nice to be liked for who you really are pretending to be.

Claire: What party?

Mitchell: Aw the two saddest words in the English language.

Claire: Well hello! How is your first day back in the closet...business?

Mitchell: That makes no sense, I've never worked here before.

Claire: It's just a gay joke Mitchell. Don't over-think it.

Mitchell: Wow remember when you dropped me off at summer camp? You barely slowed down the car.

Jay: You never had a condition that made it difficult to breathe.

Mitchell: I was a closeted gay kid at sports camp. I spent the week in mid-faint.

Cam: I present to you the Asian for any occasion, the clown that will invert that frown, the dynamic duo of Fizbo and...

Lily: Lizbo!

Mitchell: Are you not hearing that?

Cam: We're working on the name.

Mitchell: What have I said about sneaking up on me? I could've been shaving. This could've been a Sweeney Todd moment.

Claire: You know Luke has failed that driver's test twice now right?

Mitchell: My options today are frat house, duck village, or car crash. I'm feeling very comfortable with my decision.

Mitchell: We have been renting the upstairs unit to some frat boys from Cam's old college. They're here for some big game and to try to get on the Price is Right. Unfortunately for me it's brought out Cam's bromosexual side.

Mitchell: Everyone has their strengths. I'm a great gift-giver.

Mitchell: Now, I didn't tell Cam, because I was embarrassed, but also because I knew -- I knew I would get another job just like that..... It's been a month.

Mitchell: Oh my gosh, you cut yourself.

Lily: Don't get blood in my eggs.

Mitchell: Oh my god. That burger was so good, I feel like I just cheated on you.

Cam: Yeah, I heard the moaning.

Lily: Mrs. Daniels says my projects have too much glitter.

Cam: Okay. Well, she needs a Mr. Daniels, because a project can't have too much pizzazz.

Cam: He is so adorable.

Mitchell: I know, isn't he? Remember when Lily was like this?

Lily: What do you say when I'm not here?

Mitchell: Nobody likes dancing more than the gays. Pretend you're on a float!

Haley: I hope I can be as cool as you guys in 30 years.

Gloria: Does she think we're fifty?

Mitch: No, she's just really bad at math.

Cam: She may not have gotten our talent, but she didn't get our self-consciousness either.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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