Chapter 27

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3rd pov in the original multiverse

'' king goopmare the first ' had a nice ring to it '' thought reaper as he watched nightmare chew ink out for keeping a secret from them, he glared at geno who has been trying to "explain himself" but reaper wouldn't listen, geno lied and caused error to leave, ink knew and didn't do sh!t to help. after both ink and geno got an earful from nightmare we decided to leave error, void, his father came to tell us he couldn't get error out from his domain, apparently error's soul received damage when he jumped, he was still alive but due to the damage getting out of the void will kill him. reaper decided to never love again, geno found out that under his obsession with reaper was a love for ink he never knew he possessed. the multiverse mourned error's absence but they would leave him be.

in safeverse bliss was wondering around aus without anyone, most of his friends were busy. he stumbled in a strange au, the only thing there being a yin and yang symbol, black grass in the yin side and white grass in the yang side and two houses :

 he stumbled in a strange au, the only thing there being a yin and yang symbol, black grass in the yin side and white grass in the yang side and two houses :

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the black an white houses seemed to be lived in, a cute little path tied the two together. he went to ring the white house's bell and was met with this world reaper, but his robe wasn't completely black, it had whit swirls on the sleeves and hood, he introduced himself as peace, as he was the reaper of the ones who died a peaceful death, his brother, rash, was the one taking care of painful deaths. they spent time together, more and more each day until they decided to court. sadly peace couldn't leave his au, when death occurred, the souls would appear in the center of the symbol,either he or rash would the guide the soul to the after life or rebirth.

(i don't have ideas anymore please help)

error? (fgod) (Really Slow Update) Where stories live. Discover now