Chapter 26

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F -error

E -Fuck off fate

F -now now error this is no way of talking to your aunt now is it

E -you aren't my aunt you're a monster leave me alone

F -ah ah ah not so fast

Suddenly error was faced with all his friends (new friends from safeverse) tied in her strings. They were calling for him, he saw phantsama crying asking him why while phantom was slowly choked.

But he couldn't move.

F -now what If I.... Pull?

In a flash their souls shattered....

Error fell to the ground

and screamed.

 Bliss  pov

I woke up screaming...... I was shushed by my friends, they're still here, it was just a nightmare. I went back to a dream less sleep.

Hours later

I woke up to chrome trying to cut off one of phantom's tendrils, I helped him of course and went back to my au when he started chasing us, blank was there already, he was making the towns, with crafting supplies, of course, instead of normal wood or anything, I had a good laugh when he used crayon as bricks and glitter glue as cement, but we almost finished. Life came at noon with a Pic nic, we had salmon and egg sandwiches and cranberry pie as dessert.

I went back home and noticed that only Crimson and strike were there, strange. Then out of nowhere I felt like I was floating, seems like cyan decided to pick me up, he took me to the pool where I sunbathers with the others. I noticed that some of them had different color palettes then their originals.

Blank and chrome had swapped theirs
Zoom still had his strange colors just softer
Phantasma and life too had swapped
And last but not lease phantom and cible.

I was pulled oud of my thoughts by being pushed in the pool, thanks to cible who decided to start a fight with pool noodles acting as light sabers. I grabbed a green one and used it to bonk him on the head. He over played his death and fell in the water, at one point we were just saying star wars quotes for fun when I had an idea, I got on zoom's shoulders, mind you he's the tallies of us all in this pool, and screamed '' I have the high ground ! '' They all laughed, and I realised that it felt good having real friends and a familly. We spent the rest of the day playing and sunbathing as a familly, still, I wonder if I still have a soulmate.....

error? (fgod) (Really Slow Update) Where stories live. Discover now