Chapter 7

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*Tori's POV*

8:05 pm rolled  by and I was still waiting for Justin to pick me up. It took me 2 hours to get ready, but I'm pretty confident on how I look tonight. A couple more minutes pass and I hear tapping noises at my window. 

I open the window and look down, Justin. He was throwing little rocks at my window. "How romantic." I giggle and look at him.  "Come to my front door my parents aren't here." I insist. I grab my jacket and head down stairs. I hear a rapid knocking on my door. I started counting each knock before I opened it. 21 knocks. "God you are so impatient." I say to him as I open the door. His eyes widen and he looks me up and down. "What? Do I look bad?" I ask. 

"Damn." he licks his lips "No, baby you look absolutely beautiful." 

A smile dances across my face. "I'm still not your baby." I giggle and he reaches for my hand. 

"Lets go, baby." He starts pulling me to his slick black car, I have no idea what kind of car it is because I don't know anything about cars. 

I was surprised when we arrived at the house that the party was being held at because It's a super nice house, almost a little too nice. "Who's house is this?" I ask Justin who's focused on finding a place to park since there was a ton of cars parked every where. 

"Uh, It's my friend's place." he mumbles as he finally finds a good parking spot and slams the car into park. "Alright, ready?" He asks and smiles at me. I nod my head. "There's a shit ton of people here so, I'll try not to lose you." 

He gets out of the car and runs around to my side to open my door for me. 

He holds my hand and walks closely to me as we begin to go inside. "Yooooo Justin." a small guy who looked about 16 runs over to Justin and I. "Dominic wants to see you, he says that you need to hurry."He's upstairs in that room thing with the rest of the guys." 

"Tell him I'll be right up Jimmy." Justin says with a stern tone. Jimmy runs through the crowd of people who are all dancing to crappy RnB music that's way too loud. Jimmy was so hyper, he reminded me of  one of those annoying house flies that can't sit still.  "Do you want something to drink?" Justin asks me as we start to weave our way through all of these people who were mostly all drunk and extremely obnoxious. Almost every one that we passed said hi to Justin, and some of the guys turned away from him, almost like they're scared of him.  

We stopped at the drink bar, "Do you want something to drink?" he asks again. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to drink because my mind was all over the place.  I hate large groups of people, I guess I just didn't think that there was going to be this many people here. I love music, don't get me wrong but this music is so loud that it makes my skin tingle, the bass thumped in time with my heart beat. I can hear a distant, hazy chatter over the roar of music. Neon lights flashed every where, almost like police sirens, but way more colorful. "Tori?" Justin says, which interrupts my train of thought and makes me look at him. "What do you want to drink?" 

"Oh um, any thing is fine." I smile at him and he hands me a beer.

"I have to go see someone real quick. I'll be back in a little while." He says and walks off into the crowd of people.

I feel awkward and weird considering I don't know any of these people. I see someone familiar and my face lights up. "Mackie!" I yell and swiftly walk to her.

"Hey! who are you here with?" she asks.

"Justin." I respond making her facial expression become less happy/Mackie like.

"Why are you here with him, he's bad for you." she says, rolling her eyes at me.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I let out a frustrated sigh and walk away, taking a sip of the ice cold beer Justin gave me. I find my way into the living room area and take a seat on an empty sofa. A couple sits by me, smoking something and talking loudly to each other.

"Want some?" The guy asks me.

"Oh, no thank you." I politely decline his offer. He takes a deep drag and exhales the smoke into the air, watching it disappear. He cups his girlfriend's face and starts making out with her aggressively causing me to feel even more awkward and weird than I did before.


All of a sudden my attention shifts off the annoying couple sitting next to me. 3 men all wearing black track suits enter the house and everything goes dead silent. Someone shuts the music off and there's no sound anywhere.

"Where the fuck is Bieber?" one of the men roars.

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