Chapter 3

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*Tori's POV"

The first couple of weeks at West Queensborough High were actually good. I made two friends, well, not really 'friends' we just say hello in the hallways every once in a while.Ever since my first day at Queensborough I have not seen Justin. He disappeared on that first day and I haven't seen him again. Maybe something bad happened to him. Why am I worrying about a boy that I barely know? I wonder if he's thought about me after that first day we met because I've thought about him almost everyday for the past two weeks. Maybe it was the way he smiled at me. Flashbacks of when he smiled and crinkled his nose like a cute little Christmas elf come to my mind. A small smirk appears on my face when I snap out of it and realise I'm thinking of him again.

"Tori are you ready for school?" I hear my Dad yell up to me. His words make me lose my train of thought, and I stretch my arm over to my night stand to grab for my phone. 6:30. "Shit." I grumble to myself as I emerge out of bed. I have to be at school in 15 minutes. Running to the bathroom I trip over Noah's shoe that was just conveniently laying in the middle of the hallway. I sit on the floor for a couple extra seconds to I can breathe before I get up and walk to the bathroom. 

Since my hair is a total disaster I throw it up into a messy bun. I splash my face with water and run back to my room. 

Not caring what so ever what I look like, I slip on a black Nike sweatshirt, a pair of grey joggers and I dash down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Oh," my dad glances at me and looks me over a couple times. "You look very..." he pauses, trying to come up with a word for how bad I look. "..tired." A hear a small chuckle escape his mouth. 

"Is that your way of telling me I look like crap?" I utter while rolling my eyes at him. 

"You look great as always sweet heart, you just don't look like you put much time into getting ready that's all."  He turns back around to face the stove to finish cooking whatever it is he's cooking. 

"Oh thanks dad," I reply "where's Noah and Mom?" I ask because usually in the morning it's just me, Mom, and Noah. Dad's usually at work at this time in the morning. 

"Mom has a meeting, and Noah's sick so he won't be going to school. So it's just me and you Torz." I slide on my shoes and grab my back pack. "Do you want breakfast?" He sets a plate on the counter with vibrant yellow eggs and bacon on it. At least it's not pancakes. 

"I would but I have to be at school in 5 minutes.." I check my phone for the time again. "Can I take the car to school?"

"I'll give you a ride." He grabs a piece of toast and hands it to me quickly before he slips on his shoes. 

As we arrive to the school I finish up my piece of toast a brush the crumbs off me. "Bye dad." I smile and get out of the car. 

"Have a good day!." 

The first class I had was honors English. I usually love English but for some reason today it went by extremely slow and it was super boring. My next class is Physics, which is my least favorite class out of all the classes I have. Physics is also the only classes I have that has assigned seating. My lab partener is Justin but since he hasn't been here I've been doing everything by myself, which I have no problem with at all because I like doing things independently but it would be nice if he would show up so  I could have help. 

Once again, Justin's not here. Mrs. Samson starts to talk about irrelevant things that no one needs to know about. Barely listening to what she's saying I sit there doodling in my notebook when the door swings open and Justin walks in. I fix my posture and look at him with a surprised expression. Everyone else in the class stares at him too because he interrupted the class. He would chose this day to come to school when I look like absolute trash. He takes his seat right by me and looks at me. His left eye is black and blue and his cheek is swollen. He notices that's what I'm looking at and he clenches his jaw and looks up at Mrs. Samson. "What happened?" I whisper to him. He looks over at me through the corner of his eye but doesn't say a word. 

He never said anything to me through out the entire physics class, but when the bell rang and class was over he stood up and gathered his things "Do you want to go to Taco Bell for lunch?" he asks while locking eyes with me. 

"Won't we get in some sort of trouble for leaving the school?" I play with the tips of my hair nervously. 

"I wouldn't get you into trouble would I?" 

"I don't know... would you?"

He shrugs his shoulders and smirks at me. "Let's go." 

And I went. 

I only got a drink because I wasn't hungry, but apparently he was. He got three tacos and a side of nachos. As we sat there for a while our conversation became very dry and uninteresting. "Are you ever gonna tell me what happened to your face?" I ask him. 

"Probably not." His smile slowly fades into a frown. His face was now stern, and I could see a mixture of sadness and anger in his eyes. 

"Why can't you just tell me?" He remains silent while eating one of his tacos. "What happen-" 

"Why the fuck do you keep asking?" He snaps. "I'm obviously not going to fucking tell you so why do you keep asking?" his voice is raised now. People in the restaurant are staring. I have no idea what to say. so I take a sip of my water and look around nervously while I bite at the skin on my lower lip. I hear Justin take a deep breath in "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I shouldn't have done that... I just don't want to talk about it okay?" 

I nod in agreement. A small smile appears on Justin's face. He reaches his hand over the table and puts it on mine. "I'm sorry." he repeats. 

His facial expression starts to fade and he starts staring at something behind me. Just as I'm about to turn around to see what he's staring at I hear a deep strong voice. 

"Mr. Bieber?" 

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