Chapter 2

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*Justin's POV*

"Jessica, please walk Miss Tori across the hall to Mr. Boding's class" I hear Mr. Jones spat at Jessica which makes me turn my head. There's this girl that I've never seen before standing in the front of the class. Why haven't I seen her around before, she must be new. I would've noticed her. She's gorgeous. She has luscious blonde curls, and her smile; her smile is, I can't even come up with words for the way her lips lifted upward. The way her one dimple on her left cheek crinkles, just the warm glow that her happiness gives.

My friend Jacob hits me, pulling me out of my gaze. "Who's that?" I mumble to him whilst biting my lower lip.

"I'm not sure, she must be new." he replies.

"Yo, who's the new girl? She's hot!" I shout. Her delicate cinnamon eyes hold mine for a couple seconds before she starts to walk out of the classroom. "Nice ass!" I shout. A roar of laughter comes from my friends and Mr. Jones gives me a death stare as if what I said was really wrong. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to say. She most likely thinks I'm a jerk now. Oh well. Everyone else does, why not one more person.

Mr. Douchebag Jones, gave me a detention for the comment I made about the new girl's ass. "This is bullshit." I scoff under my breath. As I walk out of the class room, 3 of my friends are waiting for me.

"Do you wanna skip next period?" Jacob asks

Nah, I have a huge test in my next class that I can't miss," I lie "You guys go ahead and skip though, I'll catch up with you later." Every time I'm not with my 'posse' of friends they always look so lost. They're like lost puppies who cant find their way home without me.

On my way to my next class, I notice that new girl is walking about 15 feet infront of me. I start walking a bit faster, trying to catch up with her when this girl Madison starts walking with me. I swear she's been trying to get with me since that one time freshman year we hooked up at a party. "Hey Justin" she says with a stupid fake smile.

"Hey Madison.." I start walking even faster now, getting closer and closer to the new girl.

"How have you-" Madison starts.

"I'm late for class." I interupt.

As I catch up to the new girl I wrap my arm firmly around her waist. "Hey baby." I say so only she can hear. Her soft hand wraps around mine and tears my arm off her.

"Um, first off I'm not your baby, and please don't put your hands on me." She demands. I try to hold back a laugh at her attempt to be serious and demanding. A small chuckle comes out. "Why are you laughing?"

"I think you're cute." I giggle, staring into her eyes. "What's your name?" I ask. She lets out a sigh and turns away from me, and starts walking away. "Hey listen," I grab her arm "I'm sorry about the comment I made earlier about your ass."

Once again she pushes my arm off her. "My name's Tori."

"and I'm Justin, but I'm sure you already knew that. I mean, who doesn't know that."

"Should I call you Justin or Mr. Popular?" her eyes caught mine. Sure, brown eyes are common but not hers. Even though the stare only lasted four or five seconds the intensity inside her eyes captivate me. It makes me want to know everything about her, every little detail, it makes me want to know all of the mysteries and stories that are hiding behind those eyes.

"I'd prefer if you'd call me Mr. Popular."

"Well, Mr. Popular, do you happen to know where the English class is? because I'm going to be late and my mentor ditched me."

*Tori's POV*

"I'll walk you there." he says with his memorizing smile.

As we're walking to class, making up small talk, a freshman accidentally bumps into Justin. Justin stops walking and stares this kid down. the freshman has pure fear in his eyes. "Don't. Ever. Bump. Into. Me. Again." Justin growls and pushes him against the lockers roughly. I stand back, not knowing what to do in this situation. Justin takes a quick breath before raking his fingers through his hair and pulling at the tips. "Ready to go to class now?" he asks me.

I shake my head no and walk over to the freshman he pushed into the lockers "Are you okay?" I ask him while putting my hand on his shoulder gently, making him flinch.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to it." he shrugs and pushes up his glasses.

"I'm sorry," I mumble and bite at the skin on my lower lip. "I have to get to class but hopefully I'll see you around."

I turn around to see Justin staring at me. Without saying anything I walk passed him, searching for my English class. He catches up with me. "Are you still going to let me walk you to class?"

"Why did you do that to him?" I pause and stop walking "What did he do to you other than accidentally bump into you. You had no right to do that."

*Justin's POV*

She's really mad. But I think it's cute when she's mad, I let out a quite chuckle. A confused expression appears upon her face. "Why are you laughing? it's not funny. It was rude and uncalled for."

"You clearly don't know me that well."

"You're right, considering I just met you today, and I don't want to know you anyway." Ouch, her words hit me pretty hard. No one has ever said that to me before.

"Well I'm sorry? It won't happen again..." she starts walking away from me again. I hate when people walk away from me. Its one of my biggest pet peeves. "Can you stop walking away from me? Let me walk you to class."

"Fine." she utters.

The whole walk to her class we were silent. "Well here it is. The wonderful English class." I smile and run my fingers through my hair.

"Thank you Mr. Popular." a genuine smile appears on her face. her eyes lock with mine, hypnotizing me again with her eyes.

"Have a good class." I say with a smile.

*Tori's POV*

Justin walks away. I stand there staring at his back as he walks down the empty hallway. Why is he so interested in me? I don't understand. A loud bell rings and stops me from my thoughts.

I take a seat near the back of the class and I get my notebook out for notes. The teacher starts talking when the door swings open and Justin walks. "Ah, Mr. Bieber, you're late. Take a seat. I'll talk to you after class."

Justin sits in the empty seat next to me and whispers "I forgot this was my class too."

The first day at this school ended up being good surprisingly. After English class I didn't have any more encounters with Justin, it's like he disappeared. I wonder where he went. Noah seems like he had a good day too, right now he's in his room blasting annoying dubstep music and dancing around by himself. Thats when you know it was a good day for him.

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