Chapter 5

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*Tori's POV*

I didn't get much sleep last night, I think it's because I couldn't stop thinking about him. I also woke up extra early to make sure my hair and make up look good. I slip on a black and white striped crop top and a black leather jacket and hurry down stairs to fix myself breakfast.

When I get down stairs mom already has breakfast on the table, so much for making myself breakfast. "I made you and Noah waffles." she says with a smile. My eye brows raise and a surprised expression takes over my face. I thought for sure it would be pancakes. "Oh you look nice today sweetie." my mom states as she looks me over a couple times.

"Thanks mom." I say with a smile as I slouch down into one of the kitchen chairs to start eating my waffles. "Do we have any strawberries?"

"In the fridge I think." Mom replies.

"Noah grab me the strawberries." I demand

"No, do it yourself." he says as he takes a seat at the table. I stare at him for a while with a disgusted look on my face. "Fine I'll get you the stupid strawberries." he grabs the strawberries from the fridge and throws them on the table.

"Thanks." I smile and punch him playfully in the arm.

At school, as I'm walking through the halls I keep an eye out for Justin. Actually I'm not just 'keeping an eye out' for him, I'm looking for him.

I hear his familiar voice coming from behind me which makes me snap my head to look in his direction. He's with a group of his friends who are all standing by the lockers. "Yo, Tori, come over here!" a smile takes over my face as I walk over to him and his friends.

"Hi guys," I say with a smile, trying to make the best first impression on his friends.

"Hey baby," he mumbles and wraps his arm around me, grabbing my boobs, making his friends laugh.

"Don't touch me like that." I push his arms away from me. "and I'm not your baby."

I turn away from him and start walking to class. All this time, I was thinking that maybe, possibly, Justin could be different. But no, he's just like every other annoying prick. "Tori come on," he takes my arm into his tight grasp. "I was just kidding around."

"But it wasn't funny..." I look at my feet and just stand there.

"Lighten up" he chuckles

"Stop laughing it's not funny." I look at him with a blank expression on my face.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Can I walk you to class now?" he mumbles.

"You can if you take your sunglasses off." I say as I reach up and pull his black wayfarers sunglasses off and put them in his hand. "Are you ever going to tell me how you got that black eye?" He squints at me through hardened eyes. Every muscle in hs face went tense, and without saying anything he communicated fear, mistrust, and anger. We went silent for a while and I figured I should just stop asking, because clearly I wasn't getting anywhere. 

"What class do you have right now?" he asks me. 

"Psychology with Mr. Harris, and I'm pretty sure you have that class too." I smile at him while looking into his eyes. His mouth twitches, I'm pretty sure he's fighting a smile. But I'm not sure why he would fight it,  his smile is so beautiful that It could literally light up the entire town after dark. 

*Justin's POV*

I have psychology class more than almost anything, I think I hate it because of Mr. Harris. He hates me. He's hated me since the first day of freshman year when I took his chair apart so when he sat in it, it collapsed. Everyone else thought it was hilarious except for him.

As Mr. Harris was instructing us on what we we're supposed to do on an upcoming project that he was assigning us, I stared at the wall, thinking about random things and not paying attention to what he was saying at all. I feel a light tap on my shoulder from Tori, she slides a folded up piece of paper to me. I unfold it slowly and shoot her a toothless smile "Pay attention." Is all the note says. 

Tori makes me feel some way that no one has ever really made me feel before. Happy. I'm not exactly sure what it is about her that makes me so happy, but it's something. I sit back in the chair I'm in and just let all of the happiness just soak in. I want to have this feeling forever and never let go of it. 

I look at Tori, her full attention was given to Mr. Harris. I admire her beauty and put my hand onto her thigh, making her look at me. 

"Thank you." I whisper 

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