Chapter 5

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I got off his bed and grabbed his laptop. I then sat next to him and put his favourite show on. I put the laptop on his lap and leaned on his shoulder.

*after an hour*


"Stay here darling I'll be back in a minute" he said as he climbed out off bed and left his room.

I sat down and waited on his bed for around 5 minutes before he came back up. "Hey darling we're having Chinese for dinner me and my sister are going to collect it we'll be back in 15 minutes.

"Ok my love But can I ask you something?" I asked nervously.

"Uh yeah" he hesitated.

"Um could I stay here for a bit until my dad leaves I don't want to be around him" I questioned.

"Uh yeah but you'll need to collect all your stuff from you house like clothes and stuff" he said.

"Yeah I'll go do it now while you go to the Chinese" I said.

"No, no I'll go with you tomorrow" he said.

"It's ok my love I can go now" I protested.

"Ok but be safe if anything happens call me" he finally agreed.

"I will" I said before leaving to go to my house. I climbed in through my window and grabbed a weeks worth off clothing and all my essentials. Before running away back to Henry's house doing my best to avoid my dad.

I finally got back to Henry's and went straight to his room. I left the suit case full off my stuff in Henry's room and then went downstairs.

As soon as I walked downstairs, Henry snd piper walked inside. "Hey guys" I said

"Do you get your stuff?" Henry asked.

"Yeah I did it's in your room" I answered sitting on their couch.

They put all the food down and we all started eating. After we finished eating I offered to help clean up but Henry refused to let me help. I went up to his room to get changed but I didn't pack my pyjama top. So I quickly ran into Henry's closet and grabbed one off his shirts and put that on with one off my pairs of shorts.

I sat on his bed waiting for him when he finally walked in and cuddled up with me. "Hey you're wearing my shirt" he said.

"I forgot mine sorry" I apologised.

"No, no it's ok it looks amazing on you" he complimented me.

"Thank you my love" I Thanked him.

I was about to kiss him when his watch started beeping. "I'm sorry darling I have to go to work"

"At 6pm?" I asked.

"I'm sorry they probably need me for something important" he explained.

"Ok my love" I answered.

"Bye darling"

"Bye my love"

He got up and jumped out his window and I was left lying on his bed and I could feel my eyes getting heavier. Then I fell asleep.

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