A lil Epilogue

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A/N: The story works with and without the epilogue just fine, but this is just for funsies. This won't be god knows how long, just a few sentences while i'm motivated💀💀


Order 66. Something unknown to Melian or Fives. But the whole Galaxy knows about it. The order that changed the universe. How could one word and a number, make your best friend, your brother, kill you in cold blood? Inhibitor chips. Everything, everything that Melian and Fives described happened. Palpatine was the bad guy, playing both sides from the beggining of the war, and even sooner. The Jedi, once protectors of millions of systems now lay in the dirt, dead, their corpses decorated with tons of wounds, given to them by their clones.

Anakin Skywalker and his wife, oh those poor, innocent souls. Who just wanted peace in a Galaxy with a war embedded inside it. Anakin Skywalker, now the most feared man. If only people knew, that what made him into a monster he was now, was love for his wife. Padmé, the one unfortunate enough to be the monster's wife, giving birth and dying almost immediately. Dying not of an illness. But of sadness. Having no idea who her children are, what will become of them, or will they even survive.

Ahsoka Tano and Rex. Friends since Melian introduced them to each other. Though not serving in the same battalion, the two have always been close. And now the worst experience possible brought them even closer. Rex, every second of his life filled with enormous grief, having to keep the promise of thinking of his dead lover. Ahsoka coming back to her Master, most eager to see her best friend after the longest year of her life, only to find out what the Council have done. She broke down right on the bridge, while preparing a siege on Mandalore. So out of character, and yet, expected. Helping a mutual friend, Bo-Katan on Mandalore, accompanied by Rex when the Order hit. He tried to fight it, he struggled so hard, tried to think of what Melian and Fives uncovered, leading Ahsoka on that path... before he lost it. On a ship where everyone wants to kill you, flying through hyperspace, one option remained for Ahsoka Tano. Release the prisoner of the ship, the one because of which they came to Mandalore. Darth Maul. He wreaked havoc on the ship, giving Ahsoka time to investigate and come to the conclusion. Inhibitor chips. Taking it out of Rex, he finally became himself again. The two barely made it out before the Star Destroyer crashed, letting Maul slip out of their grasp in the process. And in the end... all the sacrifices. Of everyone. Of Fives. Of Melian Viggó. They were pointless. They changed nothing. Contributed to nothing. Because in the end, they lost, and the bad guys finally scored one.

Time's up! (A Clone Wars Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz