Part 1- Padawan

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Someone was shaking Melian, she could feel it pretty well. Her shoulder was shaking under the fast motion of the other person's hand
"Melian! Wake up! Come on! Melian! You're not funny, wake up!" Alright, alright, she thought to herself. She opened her eyes, wondering where she could be. For a second there she forgot almost everything but it clicked in soon. She was on a ship headed to Christophsis where she and Ahsoka will meet their masters.
"Wait, when are we arriving??" She asked Ahsoka.
"In about 10 minutes! That's why I woke you up"

Time skip: 10 minutes

The ship stopped. They were finally on Christophsis. Those ten minutes were the longest ones in her life.
"You ready, Ahsoka?"
"Never been more ready".
They walked out of the ship to see two men standing in front of them "Probably our masters" she whispered to Ahsoka.
"And, who are you supposed to be?" Really? That's how you welcome us? Melian thought to herself. It could have been worse, but it definitely could have been better
"We're the new padawan learners. I'm Ahsoka Tano, and this is-"
"Melian Viggó"
"Well, I'm glad to meet you both, but there must've been a mistake. Only one padawan was supposed to arrive"
It was Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who was explaining the situation. Melian assumed that the man standing next to Obi-Wan was Anakin Skywalker, the one she was assigned to.
"Well there sure wasn't a mistake, my friend Ahsoka here, was assigned to Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I was assigned to Anakin Skywalker".

"WHAT?! No, no, no, now THAT'S a big mistake! I didn't want a padawan, it was you who wanted it!" He pointed to Obi-Wan.
"Now, now, Anakin. It's a jedi's duty to help train the new generation. Besides, Melian seems like a fast learner, I'm sure you won't have any problems".
"I won't be any trouble, I promise" she tried to comfort her new master. He sighed
"I'm sure you won't. Now, come with me, you have to meet the men"
She looked proudly at Ahsoka. She was really glad she got accepted quickly "Good luck" she heard her whisper
"You too".

She didn't really know what to expect from the men.
"You have to remember, you are fighting with the 501st legion"
"501st legion. Got it" she answered, trying hard to prove she really is a fast learner.
"Captain Rex....." is all she could hear, Anakin was whispering to the Captain.
"Melian this is Captain Rex. Captain Rex this is Melian Viggó, my new padawan".
"Nice to meet you, Captain" she tried to leave a good first impression. After all, those are very important.
"Nice to meet you too. Sir, I thought you said you weren't going to have a padawan?" Rex turned to Anakin, who made it pretty clear he really wasn't going to have a padawan.
"Yes, well the plan has changed and Viggó is now with us".
Oh this is going to be one hell of a ride...

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