Part 3- Coyn

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Then, out of nowhere, a battalion of droids.
"Oh scrag..."

Melian looked at her master, with a desperate look of what should we do. Yes, both of them could survive this, no problem, but the clones couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to let them die, knowing she could've done something. There was also nothing they could take cover behind, they were completely exposed. As the droids were getting closer, he whispered to Melian
"I'll push those droids there, then we'll lead the clones that way and protect them from behind" he pointed to a place where there weren't that many droids.
"Great plan master, but what after? How are we going to escape? Where?"
"You'll see" he answered with a smirk, then pushed those droids. Melian showed the clones which way to go, and they ran. Anakin and Melian ran behind them and blocked the shots that came from the droids. Since droids are slow, after a minute or two of running, they couldn't shoot them anymore.

Anakin pushed a few buttons on his wrist comm, and a Republic gunship arrived. Melian was really surprised, but glad someone saved them. Rex was waiting for them in the gunship, his helmet held by his left hand, as always.
"I see the mission was a success, sir" he said looking at Anakin, already laughing a bit. Instead of Anakin, Melian answered
"Well you know Anakin, as long as he had fun, it's a success". That was it, Rex and Melian burst into laughter, and some pilots joined them. The only person who didn't enjoy their laughter was Anakin
"For your information, no, I didn't have fun and the mission was not a success". Thru laughter Melian managed to say "Well that's why it isn't a success, you didn't have fun". At this point her legs were giving out from laughter and she was holding onto Rex, who was barely standing too.

They were back on the Resolute. Anakin was talking to Yularen and Melian was talking to Rex. They were still kind of laughing about what happened in the gunship. She was really happy she got the chance to meet him and the other men, she really liked the friendship they formed in such a short time. Melian has yet to meet other men just a bit better, but she's really glad she has someone like Rex as a best friend. Speaking of best friends, she hasn't seen Ahsoka in a while. She'll sure have to catch up with her when they arrive on Coruscant.

Time skip: 1 hour

It's been fifteen minutes since Melian has returned. She hadn't really had time to do anything except eat. Right now she was in the mess hall, finishing her meal. All of a sudden, she hears her wrist comm beeping.
"Hey Melian, it's Ahsoka! I've missed you these past few months, you think we can catch up?"
"Yes! I've been think about that. Can you talk now?" Melian answered, happy she can see her best friend again.
"Yeah sure! Meet me in the garden?" "Sure! I'll be there in a minute!"

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