Part 21-I knew you were planning something

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To her luck, nobody noticed there was one person extra and she was on the ship with others. This is going to be a fun ride. 

As soon as Melian knew it they were unfrozen. It felt like she woke up from an uncomfortable position. She was stretching when she saw her master to her right.
"Hey, Master"
"Hey Melian" he didn't notice it was her, even though he greeted her moments ago. After he remembered she wasn't supposed to come, he looked at her with wide eyes.
"I must have carbon sickness because I can swear that's Melian" Obi-Wan said after noticing her
"Your eyes are fine, it's Melian's hearing that needs help"
"Master, didn't you hear? Master Plo assigned me to the team last minute. You must've already been in carbonite" she defended herself.
"Well I remember I distinctly told you not to come" he was angry.
"Didn't you yourself say that the best way to learn something was on the battlefield, not from the books or the Jedi Temple?" Anakin often said that, so Melian used it against him.
"It seems as though Anakin's new method is to 'Do as I say, not as I do'. Welcome to the team Melian" Obi-Wan smiled at the girl.
"Thank you, Master Kenobi".

"I knew you were planning something" Rex caught up to her.
"Well, we already knew you know me well" Melian replied with a small laugh.
"Melian, Rex, take these backpacks" Anakin passed the backpacks to us.
"Is it too heavy for you?"
"No, it's fine" she told Rex and gave him a smile.
"Alright. If it becomes heavy we can change backpacks. I'm pretty sure this one is easier" he smiled sweetly at her.

The Citadel came into view. They discovered that they can't climb the wall with ascension cables, they had to free climb it. Melian was a bit nervous but it'll be alright. She gave her backpack to Cody just for the climb. She jumped up and got a hold on one of the rocks.

Melian was climbing pretty slowly, not because she couldn't go faster, but because she wasn't hurrying anywhere. Melian also had no idea what the plan was so she was waiting for Anakin and Obi-Wan to climb first.
"You good Rex?" She asked the captain who was right besides her.
"Of course! What about you love?"
"I'm great!" and as it goes, Melian was sarcastic.

"You hanging in there Melian?" Anakin, who was higher than her, yelled so she could hear him.
"Never better!" Melian yelled back.
"I could do without the wind though" she whispered so he couldn't hear her.
Obi-Wan came to the top.
"Change of plans! The door is ray shielded! There's no way we're getting in this way!"
"Isn't that a vent?" Melian tilted her head to a vent that was on top of the door.
"Yes it is, we know about them, but they're too small for us to fit in them!" Anakin answered.
"Maybe for you. But I think I can squeeze in!" Anakin looked at Obi-Wan, then turned back to Melian and nodded.
She hurried up and jumped into the vent. She almost didn't fit but she squeezed in. She checked to see if there are any droids, then jumped down and turned the ray shield off. Anakin went in before everyone.
"You see, maybe it's a good thing I came after all" Melian smirked at her master.
He just laughed it off. 

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