Part 29- Orders

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"So Rex, do you plan on telling Krell your opinion for real?" Fives teased Rex
"I don't know, I'll get back to you on that if we survive this battle"
"You mean when we survive this battle" Melian looked at him
"Sure... when"

Umbaran ships were flying over the battlefield, bombing the 501st. Since her lightsabers were useless in these battles, Melian borrowed one of Rex's pistols. She had mastered shooting with it, and Rex was proud, they always laughed at that. Though, currently, it was hard to laugh. Melian felt like she's been helping Kix with the wounded more than actually fighting this battle. It didn't help at all that it was so dark, and the only light came from lasers being fired.
"Kix, throw me on of those pain killers!" Melian yelled at Kix as she knelt before a hurt solider, she had dragged him to safety.

While all of them were losing their minds over how to win this battle, Krell just stood there with his arms crossed. He would occasionally move two steps so a laser wouldn't hit him, but he would do everyone a favor if he just didn't move. Melian saw him move a clones dead body with his leg, so it wouldn't stand on it's way.
"Unbelievable" she rolled her eyes. Krell had contacted Master Kenobi. Melian and Rex came closer so they could hear what he's talking about
"The capital city's too fortified! We need your battalion to help us take it" Master Kenobi said, trying to be louder than the battle. He informed Krell that there's an airbase to the west, it is said to be re-supplying the capital's defenses. 501st is ordered to capture the airbase to weaken the capital. Seemed reasonable enough, but with Krell, nothing can go good. 
"Remember General Krell, the entire invasion depends on your battalion"
Melian didn't want to hear those words anymore, they just make Krell treat them worse, and worse, and worse... The hologram of Obi-Wan Kenobi dissapeared.
"Captain Rex, have those coordinates mapped and all our troops ready to move out, immediately!"
Melian wondered if Krell forgot that she actually outranks Rex, but at least he's not commanding her.

The airbase finally showed up in the 501st's view. As expected, the airbase was heavily guarded. A few sighs could be heard, the loudest coming from Melian. The airbase wasn't a problem, no, Krell was.
"We'll advance along the central gorge and engage their forces in a full-forward assault"
Another one of his stupid, dangerous ideas. The gorge was narrow, and for a reason. They will only be able to move out in single squads.
"Perhaps a closer recon will tell us if there is a more secure route" Melian tried convincing Krell
"We don't have time to look for a more secure route"
This seemed utterly stupid, they should always look for safer ways to win.
"Does he... does he hear himself?" She looked at Fives, talking silently, but just loud enough for Krell to hear her, like she intended. Fives shrugged his shoulders, following her plan. Rex liked that she silently and subtly annoyed Krell
"Go!" Krell yelled at her.
"Fine, fine. But if I die, that one's on your soul!" Melian said as she left with a smile on her face
"That's my girl!" Fives said with a laugh. Rex coughed a bit.
"Ah yes. That's Rex's girl!"
"Now that's better" Rex looked at the love of his life and smiled. Who would've guessed that he would look at a short, brown haired jedi, and see his whole universe. The three of them, as well as some others around them, shared a laugh. These moments in missions were nice, when they forget about it for a brief second.

They all gathered on a big 'field' before the path goes narrow. Rex stepped out to look at everyone.
"Alright, listen up. We'll assemble the squads into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase, at the far side" he pointed to a path. Each and every clone looked around, obviously not satisfied by the plan.
"The casualties are going to be high" Kix was brave enough to speak first
"Is Krell trying to get us killed?"
"You know I wasn't sure that Krell was crazy before, but now I'm positive"
"We had to retreat from the capital because the General pushed a flawed strategy, now this?"
"I don't know, could be fun!" Hardcase, as always, was ready for anything
"Well I for one agree with General's plan, we're running out of time and this is the best option"
A lot of men complained.
"How is this the best option? We're literally all going to die because the General is too lazy to think of a better plan. It seems as though the only words he knows are "Full-forward assault"! It just isn't working!" Melian looked over to Dogma. 
"No recon, no air support, we don't know what we're up against!" Jesse banged his helmet off of his head. Rex tried to ease everyone's minds
"A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless too, but they worked"
"Yeah, but General Skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front, not bringing up the rear like General Krell" Melian looked at Rex, trying to reason with him. Everyone started muttering unhappily.

"Fives, Melian" Rex tilted his head for the two to get closer so they could talk. They distanced a bit from the troops.
"It would help, if you eased their minds"
"What, you mean coax them into following another one of Krell's suicide missions? No way. I'm sorry but I already have enough lives lost on my soul"
"We lost a lot of men last time" Fives finished Melian's thought
"Listen, Krell may do things differently, but he is effective in getting them done"
"He may have had some victories, but have you seen his casualty numbers? More troopers die under his command than anyone else! You can't say that isn't suspicious"
"That is the price of war, Fives. We're soliders. We have duty to follow orders, and if we must, lay down our lives for victory"
Now it was just Rex and Fives talking while Melian was just listening. Both of them had valid points. Rex started leaving, but Fives stopped him.
"Do you actually believe that, or is that what you were engineered to think?"
Rex looked down.
"I honor my code. That's what I believe"
Rex left, but Fives and Melian still stood there.
"Just let him go, he's been stressed since we came here, he doesn't think straight currently" Melian knew Rex like the palm of her hand.
"Nobody else can, either"
"Except me" Melian looked at him and grinned a bit
"And me"
"Rightt... how sure about that are you?" She teased him
"Lets go Commander" Fives nudged her a little and they returned to the troops.

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