chapter 19 : Searching for Rocky

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At the lookout in Adventure Bay , it was morning . Remedy Shawn put some medical and wrap on Zuma paw on bandage .

Remedy Shawn : All done ! Your paw should be heal up tomorrow .

Zuma : Thanks Shawn !

Junker : Okay , let me tell you all something . Last night , Rocky left the lookout and Zuma trying to stop him but he gets very angry and bite his paw .

Chase : But why did he do that ?

Edan : It might be the town citizens say something bad to him . That's why he left .

Zuma : I weally also called him a mutt .

All except Zuma : YOU WHAT !?

Zuma : Sowwy , I didn't mean to say that to Wocky .

Junker : Zuma , Rocky is not a mutt . He is a mix breed , okay ? So that's why I heard fighting last night .

Zane : Well , that could be your punishment Zuma .

Marshall : But right now , we need to find Rocky .

Remedy Shawn : Clark knows .

Ryder : He knows ?

Remedy Shawn : Dude , he works at the radar station looking for survival . I think he can track Rocky with his radar .

Ryder : Well , I hope we can find him .

Ryan : Then what are we waiting for ? Go ! Go ! Go !

At the apartment alley , Rocky arrived back at his shelter . He put his stuff and sit on the mattress where he sleeps .

Rocky : Home sweet home for me .

Rocky unpacking his stuff until he realize he forgot something . He left his stuffed wolf at the lookout spare bedroom .

Rocky : Ah man , why am I so stupid ? Guess I have to sneak to the lookout without Ryder notices me .

With the Paw patrol , they arrived at the radar station where Slasher Clark work . They exit the paw patroller and enter the radar station .

Ryder : Clark , we need your help !

Slasher Clark : Okay ... For what ?

Jasmine : We need to track Rocky with your radar . Can you help us ?

Slasher Clark : The radar is easy tracking people . I will track Rocky but this might take 1 or 2 minutes .

James : Don't worry , we can wait .

At the lookout , Rocky sneak into the lookout to take his stuffed wolf . He enter the spare bedroom and found his stuff animal lying on the bed . He takes his stuffed wolf and about to leave until he saw a collar on the table .

Rocky : What's that ?

Rocky take the collar to examination . He look at an orange collar , green tag with recycle logo on and his name ‘ Rocky ’ on the collar .

Rocky : * in mind * Wait , that collar have my name on . Is Ryder want me to be the paw patrol ?

Rocky is still examination the collar until someone grab his neck behind him .

??? : Well , well , well , look what we have here ?

Rocky : What do you want ?

Guard 2 : You don't remember me ?

Rocky : You ... You must be Dragon Claw guard .

Guard 2 : Yeah , someone knocked me out . You are coming with me !

At the radar station , Slasher Clark is still tracking for any sign of Rocky . Suddenly , Ryder pup-pad was calling .

Ryder : Hello Ryder here !

Ranger : Ryder , it's me Ranger ! We got a problem . A pup got kidnapped by a strange man .

Ryder : Strange man !?

Ranger : He is driving a van , with a bandana cover his mouth and drove off .

Ryder : Okay Ranger , thanks for telling us ! Pups , a pup got capture by a strange man .

Zuma : Who ?

Slasher Clark : * phone ringing * Hold on ! * pick up the call * Hey Liberty ... What ? Okay ! * end call *

Rubble : Who's calling you ?

Slasher Clark : Is Liberty ! He saw a van drove pass the Adventure City lookout tower . And very fast !

Chase : Wait , could that man Rocky told us about ?

Ryder : We don't know but we better get to Adventure City . Come on !

Everyone run to the paw patroller . Ryder started the engine and head to Adventure City .

Please wait for part 20

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