chapter 16 : the final training ( part 4 )

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It was a beautiful morning day in Adventure City , the pups started take their things and loaded it to the paw patroller . The pups parents and Junker will be joining them back to Adventure Bay . Rocky is already packing up his stuff and enter the paw patroller . He is ready for his final training .

Ryder : Alright pups , ready to get back to Adventure Bay ?

Pups : Yes we are !

Jason : Finally I can take a lovely view at Adventure Bay .

Murray : I can meet the citizens in Adventure Bay .

Junker : And since we are in the paw patroller , I can give Rocky his final training . Speaking of training , where is he ?

Chase : Saw him packing his stuff . He will be here any second .

Rocky : Talking about me ?

Chase : * saw him arrived at the paw patroller * Well , forget it ! He's here !

Ryder : Then let's go back to Adventure Bay .

Ryder started the paw patroller engine and head back to Adventure Bay . At the seating room , Junker is ready to train Rocky .

Junker : Okay Rocky , your final training is ... showing those bad thugs who's the boss . It just like I tell you that yesterday morning .

Rocky : Okay !

Junker : But I am going to change it ! I gonna teach you showing those bad thugs who's the boss with special style . Fight them .

Rocky : Fight them ? Isn't that a bad thing ?

Junker : Well , it almost looks like a bad thing . But it almost looks like we are fighting a stranger or a burglary who was trying to rob you . Just like trying robbing your stuffed wolf .

Rocky : No , please don't steal my stuffed wolf .

Junker : Don't worry , it's not real . Just my crazy and horrific story . So are you ready to ... Show someone who's the boss ?

Rocky : Yes !

Junker : Okay then , Marshall can be the stranger .

Marshall : Please no !

Junker : Or maybe Zuma can be the stranger . Act like a stranger .

Zuma : Alwight , I'm coming to get you . Wocky dude !

Rocky : No , you are going down .

Junker : And the final training ... Begin ! 10 minutes start now .

Rocky and Zuma started facing themselves to show who's the boss . The timer started counting , the pups and their parents started cheer them . After 9 minutes , Zuma and Rocky is still facing each other . Junker look at the timer , 30 second left .

Junker : Omg , they are getting the hang on it .

Edan : I must say , they are quite very strong .

The timer stop counting , Rocky and Zuma collapse on the ground very tired .

Junker : So ... I think it's a draw !

Zuma : Yep , gweat job Wocky dude !

Rocky : You too !

Ryder : Hey everyone , we arrived at Adventure Bay .

Junker : Good to know , Ryder !

Ryder parked the paw patroller at the lookout yard . They exit the paw patroller until Ryder got a call from his pup-pad .

Ryder : Hello , Ryder here ! * listen * Wait what !?

Please wait for part 17

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