chapter 3 : meet Rocky

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At the lookout , Rocky just woke up after passed out . He saw he wasn't on a street , he was in a bedroom .

Rocky : * in mind * am I sleeping here after I passed out ?

Ghost Chef : You're awake !

Rocky saw Zuma and Ghost Chef enter the bedroom . He quickly move a step back on the bed .

Rocky : Please don't hurt me ! I promise I won't steal your food again .

Ghost Chef : We will talk about that later . You must be hungry , right ? I brought you some food .

Ghost Chef push a bowl of pup food . Rocky walked up to the bowl and started to take a bite . Then , he started eat the bowl of pup food .

Rocky : All done ! This pup food taste very cheesy .

Ghost Chef : Oh , Ryder brought it at Katie pet salon . Now one question , why did you steal food from different restaurant ?

Rocky : I'm sorry ! I just want some food to survive . So that's why I have to wait until no one was in the restaurant .

Zuma : Well , next time you should just ask Ghost Chef . He is the best chef who cook delicious food .

Ghost Chef : Yes ! And don't be a stranger next time .

Rocky : Okay !

Then , Ryder and Remedy Shawn enter the bedroom .

Remedy Shawn : So , you are awake ! I heard from Zuma said you are the only pup stealing food at night .

Rocky : Yep ! But I learn my lesson not to steal again .

Ryder : Glad to hear that ! I'm Ryder ! This is Zuma ! This is Remedy Shawn , the survival doctor ! What's your name ?

Rocky : I'm ... I'm Rocky !

Remedy Shawn : Rocky ... That's a cute name ! Do you have any family , I can take you to them .

Rocky : N-No , I'm all by myself ! I lost my parents when I was a little pup .

Remedy Shawn : I am sorry to hear that ! But you can stay in the lookout whatever you want .

Rocky : Really ?

Ryder : Of course you can ! Now , get some sleep okay ?

Rocky : Okay , goodnight !

Ryder : Goodnight !

Rocky went to bed and Remedy Shawn turn off the bedroom light . The next day , Zuma woke up early and started sneak to the spare bedroom where Rocky was sleeping .

Zuma : * in mind * Man , he still asleep . * got an idea * I know !

Zuma take a honk call party honk and started make a loud noise . Rocky woke up and accidentally fell out from the bed .

Rocky : Why did you do that ?

Zuma : Wake you up that all !

Rocky : I was having a relaxing dream , Zuma !

Zuma : I'm sowwy ! Wyder , it's pwepawe bweakfast fow us !

Rocky : Then race you there outside to the lookout ! Last one is the frog .

Zuma : You're on Wocky !

Rocky : It's Rocky ! Not “ Wocky ” !

Zuma : Sorry ! My speech impediment , can't pronounce the “ R ” word .

Rocky : Okay then , race ya !

Rocky and Zuma started running outside of the lookout . Ryder is prepare breakfast for the pups .

Zuma : Morning Wyder dude !

Ryder : Morning Zuma ! How did you sleep last night Rocky ?

Rocky : comfortable ! But Zuma woke me up .

Zuma : I alweady say I'm sowwy !

Ryder : Alright you two stop fighting ! Come and eat your breakfast .

Rocky : Okay !

They started eat their breakfast . The other pups just woke up and walked up to Rocky and Zuma .

Skye : Morning Zuma ! So you must be Rocky . I'm Skye !

Rocky : Hey Skye !

Chase : I'm Chase !

Marshall : I'm Marshall !

Rubble : And I'm Rubble ! And I know you met Zuma last night .

Rocky : Yeah ! So you four are here for breakfast ?

Marshall : Yes we are !

Rocky : Well , me and Zuma are already done . I gonna have a morning walk .

Zuma : Alright , be careful !

Then , Ryder walked up to Rocky .

Ryder : Hey Rocky , Remedy Shawn want to tell you something .

Rocky : What is it ?

Ryder : He need to check your mental health and he needs you at the clinic at afternoon .

Rocky : Okay then !

Ryder : Alright , I'll come to pick you up at afternoon .

Ryder leave Rocky and he started to have a morning walk . But Rocky is still missing his parents in his heart .

Please wait for part 4

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