Berserk: Part One.

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America is a beautiful nation, head of the Western World! It led the rest of the world in endless growth and its new President. A handsome blonde man with stunning gray eyes stood before his nation, President Albert Knowing.

"My fellow Americans, I want to personally thank you all from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to lead our great nation!" The crowd then roared with applause and cheering. Albert Knowing had won by the biggest landslide in American history.

"I promise to love and support our beloved America and guide our growth to the new age!"

The crowd went wild. Red, white, and blue balloons were unleashed. Albert Knowing waved to his audience and left the stage. The new president shook hands and gave kisses. Finally after a long day he went to hotel room.

"Ahhh, I did, I did mom!" Albert took a large bronze bowl and tossed a medium rare steak, lobster tail, roasted potatoes, grilled asparagus, molten lava cake, a whole bottle of brandy, and a box of Cuban cigars.

"I offer this sacrifice to the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena!" I matched and tossed it into the bowl, in an instant a fire appeared and consumed the offering. Athena had a good meal that night, after which she sat back relaxed, had a cigar and a glass of brandy. She received gifts from the other gods to congratulate her. In reality the gifts were bribes, so Athena could influence her son to help the gods influence the world in secret.

Athena took a puff of her cigar, yep it was good being the President's mother.

Line Break.

General Clarence La Rue was enjoying his retirement, he moved in with daughter Claire. He was happy to finally spend time with his family. Especially his granddaughter Clarisse, a seven year spitfire who The General absolutely adored.

"Are you ready to be a soldier?" Clarence said hold his gun tightly. Clarisse nodded, she was wearing her grandfather's combat helmet, she held her gun close, "Ready General!" They hid in the hallway waiting to ambush their target.

Major Claire La Rue stepped into her room dressed in uniform and holding a briefcase, she was a large, stocky woman. Her ambushers nodded and waited for her to get closer.

"Attack!" They jumped out and began firing, Major La Rue didn't know what hit her, toy foam bullets.

Her Father and daughter burst out laughing.

"We got you!" Clarence said laughing. "Yeah Mom!" Clarisse said mimicking her grandfather. Clarie pulled a foam bullet out uniform, "Ha ha you two, this the fifth time this week,"

Clarence escorted his daughter outside, "You got your gun?" "Yes, Dad," "Your other gun?" "Yes, Dad," "Your knife?" "Yes, Dad," "Your grenades?" "Yes, Dad, I'm gonna be home later tonight, so you and Clarisse decided dinner." She kissed her father's cheek and drove off.

Entering the house Clarence felt a toy bullet hit his temple. "Got you Pinko!"

"Great shot Clarisse, you got me right in the head!" She had a great aim.

They spent the day firing guns in the backyard and then went in for lunch when Clarence phone began ringing, "Hello, this General Clarence La Rue,"

Clarisse listened but couldn't make much out. "Are you sure you want to meet him? Ok, but I am warning you not to step out of line when you meet him. Next week? Alright then"

"Who was that Grandpa?" Clarence smiled, "That was the President of the United States, he wanted to meet The Ghost."

Clarisse's eyes widened, her Grandfather told her stories about the Ghost, "Is He insane!?"

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