Side Story: War, Love, and Wisdom.

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It's been a week since Kratos defeated Apollo and destroyed his lute, even since then the rest of the Gods, except Athena, were avoiding him. Kratos didn't care, he generally disliked the other Olympian, almost with a passion. The only creature Kratos seemed to enjoy the company of was Milo, The Little Red Nymph. Tiny, solid red, and cuter than a button.

Milo was inspired by Kratos defeating Apollo; she wanted to prove that she was worthy of being Lord Kratos' servant. Milo decided to train under her master's supervision. Milo was ready, she got her little heart pumping and ready to go. Milo tied a headband on that has Lord Kratos symbol, Two chained blades. Milo began her training by starting with three push-ups, three sit-ups, and half a pull-up.

"Milo will be strong!" Milo said. She grabbed two wine bottles, now filled with water, and lifted them. Then she jumps over pillows over and over, and for her biggest challenge, lifting a ten-pound bag of grain. Milo rubbed her tiny hands together and prepared herself.

"For Lord Kratos!" Milo yelled and grabbed the bag, slowly she managed to pick it off the ground and held it tightly. Milo's face became purple, but she didn't drop it. With all of her strength, Milo lifted the bag over her head! She screamed in victory and threw the bag down causing the contents to spill everywhere.

The whole time Kratos had been watching, Milo ran to Kratos with a big smile, "Milo did it!" Kratos patted Milo's head and ruffled her hair, "I saw," Milo nuzzled against Kratos' hand, she loved being spoiled, head pats were her most favorite.

"Are you ready for your next challenge?" Kratos asked his servant. Milo had fire in her eyes, "Yes Lord Kratos! Milo is Ready!" Kratos nodded and the two went to the courtyard. A small boxing ring, ten feet by ten feet, was in the center. Kratos built the ring to help Milo train.

Milo put on her little boxing gloves and began throwing jabs. Kratos helped Milo put on a protective face cover and chest padding. Milo hopped into the ring and was ready for her opponent.

In the west corner, Milo The Little Red Nymph, and The one and only servant of Kratos.

In the east corner, a goat kid eating grass, "Baa,"

"Milo is going to boop your snoot!" Milo said to the kid. "Baa," Kratos hit the bell signaling the fight. Milo closed in and began swinging, she was a foot away from the kid who stared at Milo.

"Milo, you need to get closer!" Kratos said. "Ooh, so that's why Milo punchy hasn't done anything," Milo closed in and began jabbing. The goat didn't seem bothered by Milo's punches and moved to the other side of the ring. "Hey! get back here!" Milo chased after the kid.

Despite Kratos having the same stoic look, he was pretty amused by what he was watching. So far Milo has fought against a hen, a tortoise, and a potted plant. The Hen was way more ferocious than Kratos expected and it chased Milo out of the ring. The tortoise hid in its shell and when Milo tried to get it out, it bit Milo's hand. It took Kratos all day to get Milo to calm down.

As for the potted plant, it was disqualified. Kratos watched Milo chase the goat kid around the ring, when she had the kid cornered Milo unleashed a fury of hits. The kid finally had enough of Milo, "BAA!" and ram her, Milo shrieked as she toppled over, she got back up, "Milo gonna beat your heinie!". For the next five minutes, Milo would hit the goat kid, the kid would knock Milo down and then they repeated. Kratos decided to end the match. He hit the bell. "You win Milo," Milo pumped her hands in the air, "Yay! Milo the champion!" The goat kid the ram into Milo, "Hey! That cheating," Milo cried. "BAA!" The kid protested.

Kratos helped Milo remove her gear, Milo stuck her tongue out at the goat.

"Time for your bath Milo," Kratos summons a bronze tub with hot water.

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