Paracausal Dimensions

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Third POV

We set our sights on the planet Savali, home to Monk lizard men and forgotten technologies of an almost extinct race. The view then switches to a mountain, a giant mechanical structure walking in the distance. The view switches to what looks like a shrine with a peculiar statue resting in the middle, the statue itself looking like it represents a creature/species of sorts. The wind blows before a calming silence settles at the shrine.

The silence is interrupted when the sound of steady footsteps approaches the shrine. The footsteps stop short of the statue, a figure stands before it while their tattered cloak starts to wave to the now returned wind. The statue doesn't react their presence.

The figure gives out a short huff before placing a worn glove on the statue. Suddenly, ice begins to form on the figure's hand before moving to the statue itself. The ice slowly, but surely, encases the statue in black ice. The figure steps back a few feet before raising a hand, orange energy encasing it. The figure flexes their hand before promptly making a fist, the ice and statue suddenly exploding into a cold mist.

Nothing happens for a moment before a humming sound was heard. In front of where the statue used to be, a pedestal rises up before presenting what the figure was after. A Lombax Lorb. The figure walks up to the orb before taking it into their hand. The figure studies it before a recording from the past begins to play.

A male voice begins to speak. "So, I just finished mapping two new dimensions today. Dimension 2014-1 and dimension 2014-2. Why are they named this way? Well, it's because they are practically the same dimension but not. Let me explain." The voice pauses before continuing. "When I came across dimension 2014-1, I was amazed. It looked like this dimension survived a cataclysmic extinction event. Whatever happened changed the people. From what I could gather, certain groups of people could use these 'paracausal' energies like solar, arc, and something else, all for the good of others. For all I know, it could be space magic." The voice laughs before continuing. "But it seems that they get these from little drones that accompany them wherever they go. The drones themselves come from this great white orb hovering over this large city. It's actually kinda... majestic."

The voice sighs. "Then I encountered dimension 2014-2. This dimension is the same as it's counterpart but not. The cataclysmic event in this dimension nearly wiped out everything, including some planets that just no longer exist. The people are still here in this dimension but not as prominent as in the other dimension. It would seem that most of them used their abilities for selfish needs instead of using it for good. It would also seem that the city and the orb or in not so great conditions either. The orb itself is fractured and shows the machinery that was hidden behind its white shell. The city isn't as pristine as 2014-1 and I think I saw more ruble then buildings... Honestly with these two dimensions, all I see is light and dark..."

The voice gives out one last sigh. "I better get back to mapping the dimensions, Kaden would most likely chew me out for delaying my already delayed mapping sche-" Suddenly, the figure encased the Lorb in black ice before dropping it to the ground, effectively shattering and destroying the artifact. The figure took a few breaths through their helmet's respirator before turning away from the shrine and walking away, a brief view of a rusted chest piece being seen. A humming of dark energies is heard, along with the flash of black and white, before effectively disappearing. The view pans to where the figure walked off to only to find he disappeared.

A little ways away, a certain wrench wielding Lombax is seen walking to the now desecrated shrine with a certain yellow bot on his back.

At this point, I'm drip feeding all of ya lol. I've had little progress with writing the actual story portion of this, but I've decided to write this. Now this was supposed to be posted after some chapters, but I decided to move it up. I know that you all might be tired of some exposition, but it's for the good of the story and to keep you all entertained. If you wanna complain, then feel free to complain and I might respond. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you all take care of yourselves. Cheers!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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