The Hunter and the Lombax

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Nefarious City, Corson V.

Even though we've been running for about five minutes now, Clank was insistent on finding his friend, Ratchet from my guess. Though our new 'friend' wasn't having any of. "Be quiet back there bolts, are you trying to get us caught by Nefarious bots?" the white furred woman said in a hushed tone towards Clank. I couldn't blame her though, I've seen how many bots were littering the streets. Whether it be just a 'civilian' or what the woman had called Nefarious bots, they were everywhere. So we had to be on our guard.

"You might want to listen to her Clank. We don't know how this place works or the layout. She is our best bet right now if we want to get out of here," I explained to Clank, who merely looked down in defeat. The woman looked back at me and gave me a nod. "I must ask though, where are we heading?" I had asked her.

We stopped in an adjacent alleyway before she turned to me with a sigh. "We need to get off planet. To do that, we need to get to my ship which should pick us up from the Bazaar in the upper levels. But we need to get there without drawing any attention." She walked up to me and jabbed her robotic finger at my chest, "And to do that, you need to keep up with me. Think you can do that hotshot?" she asked with a small glare.

I simply just nodded. "Sure can. I've been keeping up with you so far, haven't I?" I joked which in turn caused the woman to stop glaring at me and relax a bit. I took off my helmet before facing her again. "Name's Y/N by the way. Mind if I know yours?" I held out my right hand for a handshake.

The woman looked at both my hand and face in surprise before looking down at the ground in contemplation. She sighed and then took my hand with her robotic one while giving me a smile, her light blue orbs looking into my E/C ones. "Rivet, you can call me Rivet." she sounded genuine whilst saying her name. It brought a smile to my face. "Alright then, lets go," she said before turning around and going down the alley. Even though it dropped for a moment, it was nice seeing Rivet not being so serious.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N and Rivet skillfully maneuvering through Nefarious City. They were both impressed by each other.

After getting out of the slums of the city, we were finally able to come into view of the bazaar. It honestly reminded me of one of The Last City's bazaars. Sure, they may have been crowded and quite loud, but the people and items were always good. Only downside here, however, was the P.A. system spouting crap about being thankful for their 'glorious' emperor, and then some.

We stopped for a moment in another alleyway due to trying to stay out of sight from a Nefarious bot patrol and for Rivet to call her ship. She turned to me. "Okay, we're close to getting out of here. It should take only a minute for the ship to arrive, but we're gonna have to high tail it out of here to it. Even if we managed to get past the patrol, cameras will still catch on to us and alert them. So be ready," Rivet explained while I nodded and got ready to bolt for it. If push comes to shove, I can dispatch them with a simple ice shuriken. Besides, from what I've seen, this patrol is on the weaker side of the spectrum. I mean come on, they're just hovering fish bowls. Rivet's wrist beeped in confirmation that her ship was nearly here. She turned to me. "Alright, run for it!"

As soon as we ran out of the alley and made a dash for the bazaar, the patrol noticed us and gave chase. Sure, we may have had a head start, but those flying fish bowls were slowly catching up to us. "Halt! Release the hostage!" one of them said. But as soon as they said that, they started trying to shoot at us!

"Geez, I'd don't think they mind shooting the "hostage", do they!?" I shout as we near a platform at the top of the bazar. I noticed a small ship start to land on the platform, must be Rivet's. The shooting didn't stop however, and it served to piss me off. "Alright! Enough with the shooting!" I yell as I summon an ice shuriken in my hand and throw it to the three bots that were chasing us. It sailed through the air before striking the leader of the group, shattering him to ice, and then ricochet off to the next target before going for the last. And as predicted, they all went down by just one shuriken.

"Hop in!" Rivet called out for me as the hatch of her ship opened, revealing two seats. With haste, I jumped into the right seat as Rivet took the left while piloting the ship, she even sat Clank on my lap. The hatch closed as we took of from the city, blasting into space. Rivet let out a sigh of relief, understandable given the situation.

I let out a sigh myself from the ordeal that took place. I took off my helmet once again before turning to Rivet. "Hey, thanks for getting us out of there. Without you, it would've been a bit difficult to find a way out of there. Don't get me wrong, I can take care of myself and I'm pretty sure Clank here has a few tricks up his sleeve, but we need all the help we can get, especially with being so out of place. So again, thanks Rivet," I said to her, gratitude evident in my voice and a smile on my face.

She looked back at me before blushing ever so slightly, which I noticed, before speaking. "Hey, no problem, it's all apart of the job after all," she smiled with her ears perked up. She cleared her throat before turning away. "Also, nice move back there. Don't know how you did it, but it sure came in handy."

I chuckled. "Indeed it did." Silence filled the cockpit for a moment before I decided to break it. "So, now that we're off planet, what's next?"

Rivet pulled up a star map of sorts before turning to me. "Well, I need to decode this info-bot," she pulled up an orange case, "To do that, we need to head to my hideout. And once we get there, I also need to look through your friend's data banks for anything suspicious. Better safe than sorry." Even though I knew Clank for a short while, I felt he wasn't one of the bad ones. But I only just met him recently, so I don't have much to go off of. It's as Rivet said, 'Better safe than sorry.'

I nod to her. "I can get by that. So, where is this hideout, if you don't mind me asking."

"Sargasso," was her response before pulling up said planet on the ship's navigation. She punched in the coordinates before the ship jumped off to said planet. "But, it'll be a while before we get there. So in the mean time, I want to hear how both of you got to Nefarious City in the first place. So, who's first?" Rivet asked before turning to me and Clank, who meanwhile has been silent this entire time on my lap. Me and him looked at each other before looking back over at Rivet, who sat there patiently waiting for one of us to start talking. Well, it was going to be a long ride to Sargasso, so might as well sate Rivet's curiosity. Besides, this might be a way to get to know her better.

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