Getting to Sargasso and Upgrading the Arsenal

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Nearing Sargasso, Outpost L51

After telling our sides of the story to Rivet, we were nearing Sargasso. Though I will have to admit, after hearing Clanks side of the story, he could've handled giving Ratchet the Dimensionator in private instead of doing it in a parade, in public! I mean come on, that's just being reckless! It's like trying to take on a guardian in the Last City during Solstice of Heroes. Anyway, Rivet was still trying to process the information given to her from Clank. She took mine rather surprisingly well. Then again, the bazaar back in Nefarious City was some evidence for her.

", then this Dimensionator was stolen by *Dr.* Nefarious... who used it to bring you here..." Rivet said, trying to summarize Clanks story. "Now you just have to find your friend who is ALSO, *miraculously*, a Lombax— to save the day?"

"And get home," Clank finished.

Rivet gave a small laugh. "You must seriously think I'm an idiot." She said with her ears dropping.

'Ouch, harsh," I thought before Rivet continued while pointing to the sky of Sargasso, rifts appearing and disappearing as they had back at Nefarious City, along with lines of purple streaming in the air.

"Look— As real as I'm sure this "Dr Nefarious" is, this has the EMPEROR written all over it."

Suddenly, the ship's console beeped before a short ginger furred creature with a hard hat appeared on screen. "Help! We... under attack! ...anyone!" she said in distress, whilst the transmission was cutting out.

Rivet took on a worried look. "Mort? What's going on—?" Suddenly, the ship lurched forward due to something hitting us. "Woah!" Rivet along with Clank and I said in surprise.

"Oh dear!" Clank said. The ship started losing altitude while Rivet was fighting the controls of the ship. One of the stabilizers must have been knocked out. And that only means one thing...

"Brace for impact!" Rivet shouted whilst I grabbed the bottom of my seat with one had while the other was securing Clank. I noticed us speeding towards the ground, but a dinosaur was the in way!

"Look out!" I shouted to Rivet and pointed at the dinosaur. She turned to me with a glare.

"What do you think I'm doing!?" She then turned back to what was in front of us and saw the dinosaur. "Gah!" She said in surprise while managing to just get above the dinosaur's head, barely missing it, and we continued speeding towards the ground. With our speed, we hit the ground in no time, also quite hard might I add. We all either grunted or shouted as the ship bounced a few times before coming to a stop.

We all caught our breath before I turned and looked at Rivet with a smile. "Another happy landing." She looked back at me before rolling her eyes, she did laugh a little however. The ship's hatch opened, allowing both of us to jump out, Clank in my arms. I turned to Rivet with Clank. "I think he's better off with you."

She looked between me and him before signing. She turned her back to me, her tail swishing a bit. "Put him on the magnet." I did just that. After placing Clank on Rivet's back, I gave him a thumbs up, he returned the gesture with a smile.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask Rivet, my helmet back in place.

"As I said earlier, we were going to my hideout. But change of plans. We're going to the Gelatonium Factory to save my friends," she finished with determination in her voice. I can get by that.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go!" Rivet and I started running away from the crash-site to the factory. We both ran until we came across a small acidic pit, filled with a few skeletons... Lovely... On the bright side, there was a rock in the middle of the pit to jump across. As soon as we both crossed the pit, a giant centipede like machine flew over us before heading of to what looked like a factory, most likely the place we're heading.

Guardian From The Rift (Rivet x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now